Support #611
closedlongitudinal weights or cross-sectional weights for descriptive with index constructed with longitudinal weights
I'm using W1-W5 and keeping all individuals aged less than 30 in W1 that are present in all the 5 waves (balanced panel). I calculated an index to measure the quality of employment trajectories (using monthly observations). I have two questions regarding the weights:
1. To do some cross tabulations at wave 4 of this index with some variables I used the longitudinal weights of wave 4 (d_indinus_lw) instead of cross-sectional weights. This because the index is calculated over 4 waves (it does not include wave 5 on which the index will be tested). How does this solution sound to you? Shall I rather use cross-sectional weight of the wave I'm looking at?
2. I further regress employment status of wave 5 on the index, for this regression - Shall I use wave 5 cross-sectional or longitudinal weights? What is your advice?
Many thanks in advance for your help,
Best wishes