Support #581
closedbensta_tfalimony variables
Dear Support,
We have received a query from one of our data users regarding the recording of maintenance/alimony payments as follows:
*_Since last being in touch, I've spotted yet another variable concerned with maintenance or alimony "fed-forward: received maintenance or alimony" which is the variable called: b3nbensta_tfalimony
However, I can find no documentation on what it is or what it measures! Nor can I find a variable 'higher up the hierarchy' from which it might be derived (just as Benfam3 was derived from answers to the Benfam question).
Guessing, I suspect it might mean that one or other or both of these types of payment were received by the respondent in the past but not now - in contrast to the other two variables (discussed in our previous e-mails) where the payment is current. If this interpretation is correct, it might be legitimate to add its numbers to those from tabulations of the previous variables (after assessing the circumstances at a possibly earlier time).
I have produced a simple tabulation of b3nbensta_tfalimony (pl see attached); there's evidently a "mentioned" category - and also an "inapplicable" category - which again might be taken as "none", I presume?_** *
Please could someone have a look into this & let me have some clarification that I can pass on to him?
Many thanks