Support #353
closedfed-forward (_ff_): what does this mean (doesn't always match previous wave)
In wave 4 the fed-forward employment status (d_ff_jbstat) does not match the employment status provided in the previous wave (c_jbstat) in all cases.
I opened both and I removed all variables except pidp (wave 4), pidp (wave 3), d_ff_jbstat, and c_jbstat. I merged these (on pidp) and tested to see if d_ff_jbstat and c_jbstat were equivalent.
In 456 cases they are not the same, although I assumed they would be.
R code below:
require("dplyr") cind <- read.table("data/understandingSociety/UKDA-6614-tab/tab/", header = T, stringsAsFactors = F) dind <- read.table("data/understandingSociety/UKDA-6614-tab/tab/", header = T, stringsAsFactors = F) cindJbstat <- select(cind, pidp, c_jbstat) dindJbstat <- select(dind, pidp, d_ff_jbstat) dindJbstat <- inner_join(dindJbstat, cindJbstat) # # joins on pidp table(dindJbstat$d_ff_jbstat == dindJbstat$c_jbstat) # FALSE TRUE # 456 39002
Have I misunderstood exactly what 'fed-forward' means, is this an error in the dataset, or is it the case that c_jbstat may have been incorrectly recorded in wave 3 and subsequently corrected in wave 4 by the interviewer, or something else entirely?
I've looked through the documentation to see if I can find an answer but haven't been able to, nor have I been able to find a similar open or closed issue.
Thank you.