


Support #293

Is further documentation available as to how the REGION geographies have been constructed for BHPS?

Added by Chanuki Seresinhe about 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

Special license
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% Done:



I have data that I need to match up with BHPS data and my data is only available in Longitude/Latitude format.

Therefore, I wanted to know if there is any further documentation as to how the REGION geographies (as noted below) have been constructed as the GOR regions are not as specific as I need for my research. At this moment it is also not possible to apply for Conditional Access to gain access to the LSOA regions.

Variable = AREGION
Variable label = Region / Metropolitan Area
Inner London
Outer London
R. of South East
South West
East Anglia
East Midlands
West Midlands Conurbation
R. of West Midlands
Greater Manchester
R. of North West
South Yorkshire
West Yorkshire
R. of Yorks & Humberside
Tyne & Wear
R. of North

Many thanks in advance for your help,
Chanuki Seresinhe


Updated by Redmine Admin about 10 years ago

  • Category set to Special license
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Target version set to BHPS
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

REGION is constructed from metropolitan counties and standard statistical regions.

It should however be easier to work with the more commonly used geographies released under special licence. In principle this FAQ also applies to BHPS users:



Updated by Chanuki Seresinhe about 10 years ago

Thank you for your response. Is there further guidance as to how the metropolitan counties have been constructed?

I have data which is in latitude and longitude format so I need to know what the spatial boundaries are to match the data. A shape file would be ideal, however after contacting EDINA they have responded that "Many of these datasets need to be made up from the underlying output geographies and don't reflect current administrative geographies as provided through datasets such as OS Boundary Line or standard geographies from ONS.”

Ideally it would be great to do some preliminary research prior to applying for a special license.

Thank you,

Redmine Admin wrote:

REGION is constructed from metropolitan counties and standard statistical regions.


Updated by Redmine Admin about 10 years ago

We have a similar starting point to you in postcode centroids, which we make available under the Secure Data Access agreement or use to create a set of Special Licence lookup tables to standard geographies all of which have corresponding Ordnance Survey boudary datasets. You are in other words not tied to work with BHPS's REGION variable, but should have a lot flexibility to chose the most appropriate geography for your research question.


Updated by Redmine Admin about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 50 to 100

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