Support #272
closedQuestions about IP1 and IP4.
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Hsin, a postgraduate student in the Univeirsty of Manchester. I used Innovation Panel as my data set for my dissertation, and I have fronted some problems.
One is the missing data. Due to my topic, I need to merge data (1) IP1 and IP2 individual (2) IP4 and IP5 individuals. However, after I proceed the merging, there are 1031 and 637 missing respectively. I also tried to merge only (1) IP1 "full productive interview" individual and IP2 all individual (2) IP4 "full productive interview" and IP5 all indivudals, still, there are 600 and 329 missing relatively. I could not understand the reason why cross wave personal id of respondents in IP1 or IP4 doesn't exist in IP2 or IP5.
Another issue is about "design weight". I could not find the design weight for IP4 refreshment sample.
Thank you for your kindly help.