Support #24
closedHousehold Reference Person
I am currently working on a project which is considering using Understanding Society data. Having looked extensively through your documentation I could not find any variable on the dataset indicating a respondent as the 'Household Reference Person'. On the BHPS there had previously been such a variable (wave then HG2, e.g. RHG2). Does an equivalent exist on USoc, or do you have some (SPSS) syntax or a method for deriving it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Research Analyst,
National Centre for Social Research
Updated by Redmine Admin about 13 years ago
- Assignee set to Redmine Admin
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
The HRP is a single individual in the household defined in terms of responsibility for housing (and where more than one was present, the interviewer selected one). We do not have this in Understanding Society, because the organisation of the interview was different.
It is possible to derive an HRP from data in the hhresp file, but we have not done so yet (once this is done, one can use EGOALT to derive the relationships to HRP).
Updated by Chris Lord about 13 years ago
Thanks for the reply. So I guess that I will have to try to derive HRP from the data, as you do not have any code that does this which I could copy?
Many thanks,
Updated by Redmine Admin about 13 years ago
We will document how we derive this variable in due course - at the earliest for the full wave 2 release at the end of this year.
NB for BHPS this is not a variable we derived – it was allocated in the field by the interviewer. The interviewer instructions are on the BHPS area of the ISER web-site for wave 18 see:
Updated by Redmine Admin about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 90 to 100