Support #220
closedProblem with mergin files
I am using Current and Annual Net Household Income Variables of BHPS (waves 1–18) derived by Horacio Levy and Stephen P. Jenkins and I encountered the following problem:
While browsing through the file and trying to merge the files to have a panel data set I found that two individuals have the same PID (I suppose they are the member of the same family). I attached a small Excel file to show you what I mean by this. For example some one with PID=10017992 in wave A is in a household of type: couple,1 ch,m lt 65 but in wave H this PID belongs to some one who is in a household of type: single woman,lt 20. I found this a bit confusing as it seems the person in wave H who is a man aged 20 has the same PID as the person who is woman and 65 years old at wave A.