Support #2194
openAnalysing sub populations
I am conducting an analysis of wave 1 and 2 Understanding society data, and I intend to analyse a subpopulation of the study sample which is made up of individual respondents who 1)identify as an ethnic minority 2)completed the extra five minutes questions and 3)has ever consumed alcohol.
Currently I have dropped all respondents who do not meet the above criteria from my dataset. However, when doing some reading around accounting for complex survey design in stata I found some information which states that dropping cases from survey data can lead to incorrect calculation of standard errors. (
The article states that no cases should be dropped from the dataset and instead the subpop command stata should be used to restrict analyses to the subpopulation of interest.
Is this guidance for analysing subpopulations relevant to the Understanding society data? And do you recommend this method for analysing subpopulations?