Support #2187
openW14 - How to best determine tenure (length of employment) in current job
Good afternoon,
I am currently looking at W14 data and am interested in creating a dummy variable for whether a respondent has been in employment for 2+ years or fewer than 2 years in their current job. I was considering using Jbbgdat variables to obtain the start date of employment and then using the intdat variables to obtain the exact interview date (as I'm only interested in adults). I understand that intdat variables represent the date of submission of an interview, as istrtdat variables represent the date of start of interview.
My question is:
I understand that a respondent could have completed various sections of the survey/interview over a relatively long period of time, which would make the method outlined above an approximation of tenure. For instance, Jbbgdat fields could have been completed one month before actual completion of survey or one month after the interview was started. In light of this, do you have any suggestions for a more accurate way of measuring tenure?
Please do correct me, if I was mistaken in my understanding of the relevant variables.
Many thanks,