



Support #2160


create a tailored weight

Added by Shiyu Yuan 18 days ago. Updated 4 days ago.

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Hi there,

I am currently working on creating a tailored weight for my unbalanced panel dataset, following the guidance provided on Moodle. However, I am encountering some challenges and would greatly appreciate your insights.

My sample includes data from waves b, d, f, h, j, and l, where I have combined male and female partners into couple-level datasets. My focus is on childbirth, utilizing the newborn variable from the next couple-wave record as the dependent variable to account for the lagged effect. Since this is an unbalanced panel, I excluded observations after childbirth and include couples who exist in any three waves, rather than those present in all waves, which yields a very limited sample size.

Here are a few specific questions I have:

1.⁠ ⁠Base Weight Selection: Which wave should I use as the base weight? Would it be acceptable to choose wave f, given my sampling strategy?

2.⁠ ⁠Mortality Adjustment: I understand that we need to account for mortality based on the last wave used. However, I could not find the mortus_tw variable after wave j in the xtwavedat file. Could you guide me on where to find this or how to approach mortality adjustments for my sample?

3.⁠ ⁠Non-Response Considerations: When defining non-response, should I consider all variables of interest or focus solely on the dependent variable? What would be best practices for determining which predictors to include in the non-response model if I consider all variables of interest?

4.⁠ ⁠General Guidance: As this is my first time creating a tailored weight, I would appreciate any additional tips or resources you might recommend for this process.

Thank you for your help, and I apologize for any confusion in my questions.


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