Support #2158
openNumber of biological children ever had
Hello, I am looking for a variable (or alternatively for some help building it), which expresses the number of biological children a respondent has ever had, at each wave. It does not matter if these children are in the household or not, and/or if they depend on the respondent.
I tried to build this variable using n. of children in Wave 1 (built using a_lnprnt and a_lprnt) and adding at each sequent wave the number of newborn (x_nnewborn). The issue is: when variable x_nnewborn is missing, I am just keeping the n. of babies they had in the wave before but there is risk of committing an error, if maybe the respondent had a child in the wave in which the variable nnewborn is missing. Is there a more accurate way to have this information about parenthood?
Thank you for your help.