


Support #2118

Geographical data linkage issue at LSOA11 level

Added by Lex Krishnadath 25 days ago. Updated 18 days ago.

Data linkage and consents
Start date:
% Done:



This issue is about linking understanding society at the LSOA11-level.

Until wave k, the number of geographical matches according to the Understanding Society Geographical Lookup Tables (Date: 26/10/2023) correspond exactly to the number of matches I get but have one more match that corresponds exactly to the number of Crown dependencies. For example, in wave b, there are supposed to be 37,440 matches and there are 2 Crown dependencies. If I match the data, I get 37,442 matches. Is this because there is a value that specifies if a household is a Crown dependency? From wave k onwards, I get exactly the same number of matches regardless of the presence of Crown dependencies, is this correct?

For wave m, there is a discrepancy between the number of supposed matches (20,766) according to the Understanding Society Geographical Lookup Tables (Date: 26/10/2023) and the number of matches that I get (20,712). 55 only appear in the secure data file that contains both the household identifier and the lsoa11. I am pointing this out because I am unsure if this is due to an error in my coding or because of an issue with either the data or the lookup table. I hope you can clarify this.

Stata code
*make sure to specify cd correctly.

use w_hhsamp.dta, clear
merge 1:1 m_hidp using "replace with protected lsoa data file"
tab _merge

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