Support #2087
openValues coded as -20 in sex_dv
Derived variables
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Dear colleague,
I have proceeded to re-run my do-files to add Wave 13 to my dataset for analysis, profiting from the recent incorporation of this new wave to Understanding Society.
After merging and appending data from different individual and household files, when I ask for a table of frequencies of gender across waves, I get a strange (and substantially large) number of cases in a category -20 that does not appear among the possible codes of missing values in the variable.
. tab wave sex_dv, miss
| Sex, derived
wave | -20 missing inconsist Male Female . | Total
1 | 0 0 2 23,202 27,790 0 | 50,994
2 | 0 0 1 25,025 29,541 2 | 54,569
3 | 0 0 1 22,763 26,928 0 | 49,692
4 | 0 0 2 21,744 25,328 0 | 47,074
5 | 0 0 3 20,773 24,061 0 | 44,837
6 | 0 0 9 20,921 24,260 2 | 45,192
7 | 0 0 1 19,429 22,740 0 | 42,170
8 | 0 0 3 17,922 21,369 0 | 39,294
9 | 0 0 1 16,226 19,830 1 | 36,058
10 | 0 0 2 15,381 18,934 2 | 34,319
11 | 0 0 3 14,260 17,743 2 | 32,008
12 | 0 0 4 12,921 16,344 2 | 29,271
13 | 0 0 1 12,408 15,588 1 | 27,998
. | 26,847 52 19 18,851 16,147 0 | 61,916
Total | 26,847 52 52 261,826 306,603 12 | 595,392
Could you, please, help me understand this code?
Many thanks for your help
Kidn regards
Luis Ortiz