Support #2074
openLongitudinal weights
I'm conducting an analysis specifically over waves 2, 3, 6 and 9 for Understanding Society, as relating to the voteintent variable which is only included in these waves. I would just like to ask about the weighting procedure for this case. I am examining how an independent variable (gentrification, as measured by an index) affects voting intention at the LSOA-level.
My understanding is that I need to take the longitudinal weight from the final wave used in my analysis and apply it to all respondents (i_indscub_lw - I believe). However, given that my dependent variable of interest is not observed in consecutive waves, I wanted to ask whether this principle applies in the same way.
I also wanted to ask how this weighting would be applied in practice. I am slightly confused about the order of things. For example, would you remove all wave-specific prefixes, merge LSOA indicators with the Understanding Society data, and then apply the relevant weight for each respondent?
Much appreciated,