Support #2023
openIs there a variable which indicates if a respondent is a single parent? Also how to count .00 as missing.
Hi there,
I am currently analysing data from wave 13, though this analysis was originally carried out on wave 10 data as this was the most recent dataset which asked the questions we were looking at. I am posting as wondering if there is a simple(r) way to determine if a respondent is a single parent than the steps I have taken (outlined below - excuse the long syntax trail and attached images!), but also to ask for advice on how to fix an issue where I am getting .00 in a frequency table for wave 13 even though the syntax remains the same.
Steps I have taken for this analysis:
1. I have created a variable which bands the number of children into 0, 1, 2 and more than 3, using the following syntax:
compute newchildbands=0.
if j_ndepchl_dv=-9 newchildbands=-9.
if j_ndepchl_dv=-8 newchildbands=0.
if j_ndepchl_dv=-2 newchildbands=-2.
if j_ndepchl_dv=-1 newchildbands=-1.
if j_ndepchl_dv=0 newchildbands=0.
if j_ndepchl_dv=1 newchildbands=1.
if j_ndepchl_dv=2 newchildbands=2.
if j_ndepchl_dv=3 newchildbands=3.
if j_ndepchl_dv=4 newchildbands=3.
if j_ndepchl_dv=5 newchildbands=3.
if j_ndepchl_dv=6 newchildbands=3.
if j_ndepchl_dv=7 newchildbands=3.
if j_ndepchl_dv=8 newchildbands=3.
if j_ndepchl_dv=11 newchildbands=3.
ADD VALUE LABELS newchildbands
-9 "Missing"
-2 "Refusal"
-1 "Don't know"
0 "No children"
1 "One child"
2 "Two children"
3 "Three or more children".
Wave 10 frequencies table for 'newchildbands':
Wave 13 frequencies table for 'newchildbands':
2. I have created a single parents variable, combining the newly-created newchildbands variable with j_marstat and m_marstat in the respective dataset for waves 10 and 13, using the following syntax.
compute singleparents=0.
if newchildbands=1 or newchildbands=2 or newchildbands=3 and m_marstat=1 singleparents=1.
if newchildbands=1 or newchildbands=2 or newchildbands=3 and m_marstat=4 singleparents=1.
if newchildbands=1 or newchildbands=2 or newchildbands=3 and m_marstat=5 singleparents=1.
if newchildbands=1 or newchildbands=2 or newchildbands=3 and m_marstat=6 singleparents=1.
if newchildbands=1 or newchildbands=2 or newchildbands=3 and m_marstat=7 singleparents=1.
if newchildbands=1 or newchildbands=2 or newchildbands=3 and m_marstat=8 singleparents=1.
if newchildbands=1 or newchildbands=2 or newchildbands=3 and m_marstat=9 singleparents=1.
if newchildbands=1 or newchildbands=2 or newchildbands=3 and m_marstat=2 or m_marstat=3 singleparents=2.
if newchildbands=0 and m_marstat=1 or m_marstat=4 or m_marstat=5 or m_marstat=6 or m_marstat=7 or m_marstat=8 or m_marstat=9 singleparents=3.
if newchildbands=0 and m_marstat=2 or m_marstat=3 singleparents=4.
ADD VALUE LABELS singleparents
1 "Single parent"
2 "Parent with partner"
3 "Single but no children"
4 "Partnered and no children".
Wave 10 frequencies table for 'singleparents':
Wave 13 frequencies table for 'singleparents':
Apologies if I'm missing something fairly simple in my syntax or in a variable I could use alternatively instead, and I hope that I haven't added too much information in my attempts to be as detailed as possible! I can, of course, provide more information if needed and any advice that you can provide is more than appreciated!