Massive thanks for all of your help! The materials you sent me appear to be very useful and will read them in detail.
I have a few final (hopefully) questions. I can see also the first pdf you recommended seems to partly shed some light on a few issues I am facing. However, I wanted to further ask for your support if possible. I will also describe in more detail what I am trying to do as it may help too.
1) I remain a bit confused about deriving a correct calendar year from three waves using the suggested w_month, since in all waves I looked at there are only months 1-24 (assuming months 1-12 correspond to sample year 1, and 13-24 to sample year 2 in each wave). So I do not understand how it is possible to extract the calendar year data from three waves using exclusively the sample year/month variables, since these only seem to reflect two years. This was another reason why I was thinking I could use the interview date instead. But please let me know if I am misunderstanding something here,
2) In more detail, I wish to perform a diff-in-diff (DiD)analysis for a policy evaluation. The policy was implemented in March 2020 but was subsequently reverted in September 2021. So I wish to have a pre-treat period that comes before March 2020 and the post-treat is from March 2020 onwards (but only until September 2021 when the policy is removed again). In this case, I only care to use the interview date to properly define my pre/post variable. But I was a bit confused because I read in some user guides that to ensure all different samples are properly represented in each calendar year,(e.g. NI over-represented etc ) I should aim to compile all relevant calendar year data. But is it actually something I do not need to worry about, considering I will make use of the full waves 9-13, however, I will exclude only those who interviewed after September 2021 in wave 13? I understand this might hurt my analysis (because of the different samples like NI etc of Understanding Society) since I will be excluding a few people from different waves (prob waves 12-13) who had an interview after Sept 2021. But is this something so severe you would advise me to refrain from this analysis altogether? And in this case, would it not still be ok for me to use the longitudinal weight provided in Wave 13?
3) Similarly I am also exploring a second paper where I am instead doing a DiD on the removal of the policy, so my pre-treat period is from March 2020 to September 2021 and my post-treat period is after September 2021, where I will be facing similar issues due to the different samples by sample month/year.
I would greatly appreciate any advice and suggestions you may have on how to proceed.
Best wishes,