Support #1914
openjob title and descriptive information in the covid wave
To who it may concern,
I am currently using UKHLS covid wave 7,8,9 to conduct research. In the questionnaires, jbsoc variable exists in these three waves, but in the data file, I can only find it in wave 8.
Also, there is no derived industry variable, and I found the question in wave 8 is checking the industry in wave 7 and in wvae 9 is checking either wave 7 and wave8. In this case, can I get the information by firstly derived one industry variable for wave 8 and then another one for wave 9.
The last part is regarding the marriage/cohabitation status. Can I generate a variable based on household relationships? But what if they get married but not living together? According to the way UKHLS suggests finding a partner or spouse, does it mean we can only identify a spouse or partner for couples living together that have the same household address?
Would you mind helping me with this issue, please?