Support #1882
openLinking individual and household data and analysing at a household level
Hi there!
Do let me know if this is the wrong place to be asking but I'm currently doing some analysis using wave 12 and am trying to link individual and household data. I've managed to do this using the 'l_hidp' variable however as the analysis I've been doing has been household level, I'm unsure how I can do this now the datasets are merged?
Specifically, I've been looking at the 'l_elecpay', 'l_tenure_dv', 'l_ncars' and 'l_xphsdba' variables to calculate the number of households affected by certain characteristics (e.g. in rented accommodation, on pre-payment meter etc.). In merging it with individual level data, I'm wanting to look at the number of households who also (in addition to the above four variables) have someone in them with a long-standing illness or impairment (using 'l_health').
If this is possible I'd really appreciate any help you can give.
Thank you very much,