


Support #1846

Question re. recontact for Understanding Society cohort

Added by Benjamin Fell over 1 year ago. Updated 7 months ago.

Data linkage and consents
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% Done:



Dear Understanding Society team,

I hope this email finds you well. I'm reaching out with a couple of specific questions about the Understanding Society study which will hopefully be quick to answer.

Does the Understanding Society cohort include a subset of participants who have given consent to be recontacted regarding participation in further research?

The context behind this is that Akrivia Health are working in partnership with Cardiff University and the National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) on the Precision Neuroscience Research Initiative - a programme of work to establish a precision neuropsychiatry data- and bioresource (more details can be found in the attached project summary). Our goal with this resource is to accelerate research into mental health disorders and cognitive function, hopefully leading to exciting and innovative precision treatment development for dementias, bipolar, depression and psychosis. Recruitment for the program is underway in NHS secondary mental health care, and expansion is underway into primary care, but we are keen to open up participation to any existing patient groups with interest in mental health and dementias research.

Do you think participants in the Understanding Society cohort might be interested in hearing more about the Precision Neuroscience Research Initiative? If so, would there be a viable route to share this information with them? Let me know your thoughts - if helpful I'd be happy to arrange a quick 20 minute call in the next week or two to review the project in a little more detail.

With kind regards,



Akrivia-NCMH-overview.pdf (107 KB) Akrivia-NCMH-overview.pdf Akrivia Precision Neuroscience Initiative summary Benjamin Fell, 01/31/2023 11:23 AM

Also available in: Atom PDF