Support #1818
openX-wave person identifier of resp. adult
I'm trying to match children to their parent/responsible adult. To do this in the BHPS waves, I am using the variable rapid_bh. However, when I try to match to respondents using the pid that is present in the rapid_bh variable, it doesn't match to anyone.
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
Could you plesae try using the PIDP instead of pid? Please let us know if that solves the problem.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 2 years ago
- Private changed from Yes to No
Updated by Esme Lilly about 2 years ago
Hi yes, sorry I meant pidp, it doesn't match with any pidp. I can't seem to find the pid variable in any of the BHPS files to test if that matches.
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 2 years ago
Dear Esme,
Sorry, pid and not pidp is the variable to use. The label for rapid_bh "X-wave person identifier of resp. adult" is ambiguous, it should clarify that the X-wave person identifier is pid. I will pass on this information to the data team. The variable pid is in every BHPS indall file and so, you should be able to match the children to their responsible adult using pid. I have checked this using pid and was able to match approx 3000-4000 children with the responsible adult at each BHPS wave. Here is the Stata syntax I used to check this.
The global "dt" refers to the location of the downloaded data.
foreach w in a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r {
qui {
use pid b`w'_rapid_bh using "$dt/bhps/b`w'_indall", clear
fre b`w'_rapid_bh
keep if b`w'_rapid_bh>0
di "`w'"
d b`w'_rapid_bh
qui {
rename pid kpid
rename b`w'_rapid_bh pid
save temp, replace
use pid b`w'_age using "$dt/bhps/b`w'_indall", clear
merge 1:m pid using temp
di "`w'"
cou if _m==3 // number of children's rapid_bh matches with pid of household members in indall
su b`w'_age if _m==3 // to check the age of the responsible adult
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 1 year ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 50 to 100