Support #1797
openChild birth years/fertility histories
I am trying to create datasets for each wave of the survey which include the date (year) of birth for each of a respondent's children.
I initially started with the ch1by_dv (DOB of oldest biological child) in the xwavedat file. I found that the number of respondents with oldest children born in each year seems to drop off sharply in the early 2000s, particularly for women. I would expect fewer people to have had their oldest child in very recent years, but not such a sudden drop or a gender difference. Can you explain why this would be the case and/or share the code (in stata) for the derived variable?
(I merged variables from a_indresp and xwavedat to tabulate a_sex_dv and ch1by_dv)
I've also tried using an adapted version of the code from support enquiry #947, intending to identify a years of birth for all resident and nonresident children from the w_indall and a_natchild files, but as my output on oldest children looks very different to the ch1by_dv output, I don't want to go too far with this until I understand where the difference has come from.
Many thanks