Support #1769
openmissing values after merging household and individual dataset
Dear member of Understanding Society,
I am dealing with Inovation Panel data(wave10) and trying to merge the variables from the dataset of j_hhresp_ip with those from the dataset of j_indresp_ip.
Using the common variable j_indresp_ip, I can merge these two dataset successfully. But there exist 55 missing values, in which 49 from master dataset (i.e., j_hhresp_ip) and 6 from j_indresp_ip.
I just wonder is it normal? What cause the missing values?
The variables I tried to merge include:
"j_hidp j_hhsize j_xphsdb j_xphsdct j_xphsdba j_hhpc1 j_hhpc2 j_hhpc3 j_hhpc4 j_hhpc5 j_hhpc96 j_pcnet j_nemp_dv j_hhtype_dv j_fihhmngrs_dv j_fihhmngrs_if" from j_hhresp_ip.dta.
"pidp j_hidp j_pno j_jbstat j_twithave j_scbrowsesp j_scemailsp j_scphotosp j_scsmlooksp j_scsmpostsp j_scbuysp j_scbanksp j_scinstalsp j_scgpssp j_scblutthsp j_scgamessp j_scstreamsp j_scothersp j_scbrowsetb j_scemailtb j_scphototb j_scsmlooktb j_scsmposttb j_scbuytb j_scbanktb j_scinstaltb j_scgpstb j_scblutthtb j_scgamestb j_scstreamtb j_scothertb j_scskillsp j_scskilltb j_sex j_dvage j_marstat j_employ j_agegr10_dv j_qfhigh_dv j_jbseg_dv j_hhorig j_psu j_strata j_indpxip_xw j_indinip_xw j_indscip_xw j_fimngrs_dv" from j_hhresp_ip.
Many thanks for your help
Best wishes
Shujun Liu