Support #1750
openSample size changes after applying sample weight
Dear Support Team,
I am having a problem running linear regression models with adjusted values in Stata. Specifically, I am running two separate linear regression models for the same set of samples. The sample size is 2,508 (there are 1,254 couples, i.e. 1,254 males and 1,254 females).
For the first model at the time point of the main survey wave 8, I use 'h_indinui_xw' as the sample weight and the code to declare the complex sample design is
svyset h_psu [pweight=h_indinui_xw], strata(h_strata)singleunit(scaled); the other model at the time point of wave 3 of the Covid-19 study, where I used 'cc_betaindin_xw' as the sample weight and the code is: svyset psu [pweight=cc_betaindin_xw], strata(strata)singleunit(scaled) .
The problem is that when I produce adjusted descriptive statistics for females and males, the variables at wave 8 appear to be only 1213 females and 1206 males and the total number of observations shown in the wave 8 linear regression model is 2340. however, in the Covid-19 study model, the sample sizes are all consistent with the original, i.e. 1254 females and 1254 males, for a total of 2508.
Could you please tell me if something was done wrong to cause this?
Your help would be much appreciated!