Support #1749
openPermission to use Understanding Society data in a book
I am working on a book manuscript for Policy Press on Social Care in the UK’s Four Nations, which comes out of the ESRC Sustainable Care Programme. As part of the book, we would like to use a table of Understanding Society data. The publishers have asked me to get in touch with you to ask for permission to use this material. The exact wording that the publisher uses is: non-exclusive rights to reproduce this material in this and all subsequent editions of the book, in print and digital, in all languages for distribution throughout the world.
The data we are using is shown here. Can you please let me know if you are happy for us to use this?
Table 3.1: Percentage of people saying they can rely on family in the four nations
Can rely on family
Country of Residence % Not at all % A little %Somewhat % A lot
England 5.4 13.2 25.0 56.3
Wales 5.1 13.7 23.7 57.9
Scotland 4.8 11.5 24.6 59.1
Northern Ireland 3.4 11.1 24.9 60.7
Understanding Society (2020). Question asked: Thinking about your immediate family, how much can you rely on them if you have a serious problem?
Many thanks
Catherine Needham / @DrCNeedham
Professor of Public Policy and Public Management
School of Social Policy, University of Birmingham
Tel: 0121 414 3011