Support #1609
openIncluding/excluding zero weights changes SEs (but not coefficients)
In my project, I am analysing youth data. For my analyses, I define my analytic sample. For example, youth need to be from London and have a non-missing value on the outcome of interest. An additional condition for my analytic sample is that they have a non-zero study weight, as there are several youth with a weight of zero.
I see that you say that one does not need to worry about zero weights, as they will automatically be taken into account when you apply weights to your analysis. I understand that, if one has a weight of zero, data essentially do not contribute to the coefficient (as they 'weigh' zero). However, I realised that, while the coefficient does not change, the SE and therefore p value and CI do (due to the larger sample size when I include youth with zero weights).
Now I am not sure what would be more appropriate: excluding youth with zero weights or keeping them. I assumed that an individual with a zero weight means that this individual is not a 'valid case' for my analysis. Therefore, I excluded them from my analytic sample. Therefore, only individuals with a weight > zero were included in my analysis. To me this makes sense and I would assume that the associated SE is more valid than if I included all the youth with zero weights in my analysis (thereby increasing the sample size). In other words: if youth with zero weights should not be included in my analysis/contribute to the coefficient, why should I keep them, so they still affect the sample size and SEs?
I hope this makes sense – Thank you very much in advance!
Best wishes,