Support #1606
Adult Subject Birth Order
Added by INGO OUTES almost 3 years ago.
Updated over 2 years ago.
Dear UndSoc team,
I am interested in analysing the long term effects of birth order using the UndSoc dataset. I am aware of studies using the birth ordering of UndSoc mother/father's children. However, I am interested in building the birth ordering for the UndSoc adult subject (the mother or father). I have not been able to find any survey questions that would allow to construct this birth ordering variable. Am i right to conclude this?
Many thanks for your help.
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Dear Support Team,
Thank you very much for your response and pointing out the fampos variable in BHPS Wave13. I have a couple of follow up questions.
Is there a complementary variable (to BHPS Wave13) that identifies if the adult respondent is a single child or total number of siblings?
Am I correct in assuming that no birth order variable (or information on siblings that would allow to construct a birth order) is available for the main post-2009 UndSoc sample?
Many thanks for your help.
With best wishes,
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
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