Support #1573
openPension contribution variable in BHPS
I am trying to ascertain what data the BHPS contains about pension saving. I have looked on the Understanding Society and BHPS websites and have found there is supposedly a variable called contr that is in all waves of the BHPS : see and the first variable
However, I can't seem to find this question in the BHPS questionnaire (which I downloaded from I tried both searching the document for contr and looking through the household questionnaire (which I believe it should be in), but neither way worked. Furthermore, I had a quick look at the data files I have access to and couldn't find this variable in them either. I hope I'm not missing something obvious here!
I was wondering if you could confirm to me that this variable exists in the data, and if so, where to find out more about it and a reason why it might not be in a dataset we have? I would be interesting in learning the exact question asked as well as who it is asked to.
Many thanks