Support #1480
openWho was sampled for question ca_timeshare in the COVID-19
I am working with the April 2020 COVID-19 web survey dataset ( ca_indresp_w ) and was wondering if the question on time spent on childcare or home schooling ( timechcare ) was answered only by parents or also by those who are not parents but have children (other than themselves) in their household. I read in the user guide that for the home schooling module "To identify unique children and their Understanding Society pidps, from parents’ responses, children were linked to the main Understanding Society datasets" and "Respondents aged 16-18 who answered the module for themselves or for siblings were removed. Any children below school age, i.e. born after August 2015, were also removed since they should not have been reported in the module on home schooling". Was this done for the timechcare question too given that it is in the time use module not the home schooling module ?