Support #1474
openCovid-19 weighting
Good morning,
I have checked the guide and previous issues on weighting for Covid-19 study but I am still unclear of the best way to use them. I am running a) a cross-sectional analysis and b)a longitudinal fixed effects analysis using the waves 6 to 8 (waves g,h,i), baseline pre-Covid (jk) and the 4 waves of Covid-19 survey (ca to cd, until July). Should I use the i_indinui_xw for each of the cross-sectional waves until wave (I cannot find weights for the wave jk, so I am not sure how I would solve this) and the *_betaindin_xw for the Covid-19 survey waves? For the longitudinal analysis, I read in a previous query that you are working on a longitudinal weight, do you have an tentative date for releasing it? In the meantime, what is the best approach?
Many thanks in advance,
Best regards,