Support #1392
opennatid - change in national identity
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am interested in the national identity measure (natid). Looking at the question universe, national identity is collected as a stable characteristic, similarly to ethnic group.
However, a small number of respondents were asked this question more than once and some changed their responses. For example, in the case of English national identity (natid1): 5 out of 18 between waves 1 and 3 (28%), and 12 out of 34 between waves 1 and 7 (35%) changed their answers. E.g. pidp 68102015, 952058491 and 885340364. In some of these cases, respondents changed their answers between English and British, e.g. pidp 1496279487 and 1496326407.
Why were these respondents asked twice, i.e. was there something particular that prompted collecting that data again? If so, how are they different from the rest of the sample? Is it planned to collect national identity data from the whole sample again – to see whether those asked only once might change their responses too - were they to be asked a second time?
If initially these respondents were not supposed to be asked more than once, would you consider all responses valid, similarly to issue #1390?
I look forward to your reply.
Kind regards,