Support #1374
Dear Sir/Madame,
I have a question regarding the use of weights when pooling the 9 waves of Understanding Society. At the moment, I simply want to pool all the 9 waves and perform a cross-sectional analysis. Later on, I would like to also use the panel dimension of the data.
I then have two questions about the use of weights:
(1) For the cross-sectional analysis, since I am only using the 9 waves of Understanding Society, can I simply append all the waves and use the associated _xw weights for each wave (namely indinui_xw for waves 6 to 9, indinub_xw for waves 2 to 5, and indinus_xw for wave 1) to create a new weight, say weight_xw? Or would I have to perform any additional transformations? And lastly, if this is true, do I understand correctly that the data should be used in combination with the psu (for example, in Stata: svyset psu [pweight=weight_xw]), and that using the strata information is less important in this case?
(2) When using the panel dimension of the data to perform, for example, a fixed effects analysis, is only the _lw weight in the most recent wave relevant? In other words, I would merge all 9 waves of understanding society using the respondent id, transform the data into long format, and in all analyses use the i_indinui_lw.
Would you say that this approach is correct? Thanks you in advance for you advice!