


Support #1372

Question about age of respondents based on age_dv, and racel_dv (Re-created as original was deleted)

Added by Alita Nandi about 4 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Data inconsistency
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Hello Alita,

I am wondering why the age_dv variable is not consistent with birthy when the latter is read side by side with the interview start year (istrtdaty). I randomly looked at missing cells for age_dv vs those with exactly similar pidp, i.e. same person/individual over time. There are instances that age_dv = istrtdaty - birthy. I checked the variables for birth month and birth date but these are missing. Why are there discrepancies like an individual is interviewed in consecutive waves but the year is unchanged, so his age stays the same; or there are cases like individuals refuse to reveal his birth year in a previous year but this information is filled in later waves, that first year of interview still represents a missing cell for birthy and age_dv? Kindly advise whether it makes sense to base age_dv on birthy and istrtdaty. Thanks so much

I am wondering whether race_bh could be combined with racel_dv for BHPS waves 1-12, as racel_bh covers BHPS wave 13-18. Does it make sense to assume that this is a time-invariant characteristic for individuals? I noticed that this is only asked once for new entrants. Can then this be carried over as non-missing info for succeeding waves, or this is simply counted once for each respondent? Note that I did use racel_bh to be combined with racel_dv when generating a separate new variable for use in Stata, so that original ethnicity variables are preserved.

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