Support #1294
openUniverse of school variable
Data documentation
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Could you please help me figure out my confusion about school attendance status. If I look at the questionnaire, the universe for school question are respondents who have never been interviewed before. Am I understanding this correctly that if some people who were still at school in wave 1 finished school in wave 2, they do not get their school status updated? Ever?
If I look at the first and second wave and tabulated the two school measures, this is what I see:
never went to/still | never went to/still at school (wave 2)
at school (wave 1) | missing inapplica don't kno write in never wen still at | Total
missing | 0 6 0 3 0 0 | 9
refusal | 0 2 0 1 0 0 | 3
don't know | 0 18 6 37 2 0 | 63
write in age | 1 34,636 37 2,585 13 29 | 37,301
never went to school | 0 166 2 14 26 1 | 209
still at school | 0 630 0 96 0 49 | 775
Total | 1 35,458 45 2,736 41 79 | 38,360
And the whole column of inapplicable values in wave 2 is exactly the cases where
b_ff_ivlolw == 1 & b_ff_everint == 1
I am asking this because many other measures depend on the value of this variable, for example school leaving age or school codes. So, there is always a subset of people for whom this information could have been collected but wasn't because the school varibale has not been updated.
I understand this is not a big number of people (630 in the above table). I just need to know if my understanding is correct, so I can understand better the sample I am working with.
Thank you!