


Support #1212

UKHLS/BHPS Harmonized data set

Added by Martin Binder almost 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Data inconsistency
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Dear Madam or Sir,

thank you for putting together such a great harmonized version of both data sets, I think this is really helpful.

I have noticed a potential inconsistency in the harmonization of the marriage status variable, though, which I think might prove problematic. As per the harmonised user guide, the variable „mlstat“ (indresp, section household) should be harmonized over BHPS and UKHLS. I don’t think this is done based on the correct UKHLS variable. While the BHPS variable mlstat contains yearly information on the different marriage statuses for an individual, from the UKHLS wave 2 onwards, the variable mlstat contains extreme amounts of -8 inapplicable values. In my understanding, this is due to people without marriage status change not being carried in the yearly value according to their status but according to this -8 status. This is a huge change in the coding frame between the two data sets and I think it would be better to harmonize the UKHLS timeframe using the marstat variable, which contains the yearly values for marriage status and would thus lead to an overall marriage status variable that uses the same coding between BHPS and UKHLS. Or am I missing something here?

Secondly, I was wondering whether there is particular reason why lfsato and sclfsato (life satisfaction) is not harmonized across the two data sets. Coding frames only seem minimally different to me and I was wondering whether there are substantive concerns about merging this that I am not aware of.

Thanks for your time and great effort!



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