Support #1205
openself-completion weight wave 7
Dear USoc Team
In issue #736 Peter Lynn helpfully explains that the decision not to provide indscub_xw from w5 was subsequently changed. I'm using a couple of items from the self-completion module in wave7 for a cross-sectional analysis and note indeed that g_indscub_xw exists. However, I also note that the User Manual Wave 1 to 8 states:
"Note: A cross-sectional weight for the self-completion component was discontinued after Wave 5 as levels of nonresponse to this component are low. This can be treated in the same way as item nonresponse and the relevant individual interview cross-sectional weight can be used when analysing data from the self-completion component."
Please will you clarify when it is/is not appropriate to use g_indscub_xw for a cross-sectional analysis which uses some self-completion items?
Many thanks