Support #1131
openHarmonization of retrospective cohabitation and marital status information
Dear UKHLS User Support,
I am currently trying to compile complete relationship histories for individuals using the retrospective cohabitation and marital status files from both the BHPS and USoc. However, I am having difficulty assessing how compatible the retrospective data files are.
To offer an example, some of the variables appear very similar, e.g. cohabitation start dates in the retrospective datasets in wave b BHPS and wave 1 USoc, but the BHPS variables have the bw_ prefix and the _bh suffix. It is unclear to me why this is the case.
Further, it appears that the retrospective marriage dataset in USoc groups marriage and civil partnership together, whereas, given civil partnership was not possible until 2004, the equivalent dataset in wave b of the BHPS only contains information for marriage. It would be useful to know if this is the only reason that the two datasets are not equivalent, thus if I am willing to group together marriage and civil partnership I would be able to make them equivalent or not.
Many thanks in advance.