



From 06/09/2023 to 07/08/2023


02:54 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1935 (Resolved): Missing data on MSOA codes
I have been using the 2011 census LSOA and MSOA codes and the LAD codes from the Special License Access dat...
Fiona Steele
01:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1934 (In Progress): Linked credit history FCA data to be released in 2023
Dear Belinda,
I will check this with the data linkage team and get back to you.
Best wishes,
UKHLS User...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1932 (In Progress): Caring Module Covid Study Wave 2
Hi Laurence,
I can confirm that it is indeed not clear which, if any, variable corresponds to the carechange2 ques...
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1928: Health condition (hcond) for new entrants and missing values (including -8 inapplicable)
Hi Alexander,
Yes, absolutely, you can take this information from the BHPS health questions, for some respondents ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:16 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1928: Health condition (hcond) for new entrants and missing values (including -8 inapplicable)
An additional question for respondents who have been interviewed before in one of the BHPS samples and are now being ... Alexander Labeit


02:07 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1934 (Resolved): Linked credit history FCA data to be released in 2023
I am emailing to enquire about a forthcoming linked dataset mentioned on your website, namely “linked credit history ... Belinda Tracey
01:52 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1931 (Feedback): Child Birthweight
Hi Taiba,
The c_bwt, c_bwtlb, c_bwtoz, c_bwtk, c_bwtg5 are variables pertaining to child's birth weight, c_chdnbub...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:41 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1933 (Feedback): Linking individual data to mother's data in the BHPS
Hi Dipanwita,
You say that "the BHPS indresp datafiles only contain the harmonised PIDP, and not the PID that was ...
Understanding Society User Support Team


03:49 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1933 (Resolved): Linking individual data to mother's data in the BHPS
I need to link individual level data on individuals aged 16-20 with their mother's data in the BHPS. My ori...
Dipanwita Ghatak
03:36 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1932 (Resolved): Caring Module Covid Study Wave 2
Dear UKHLS team,
In the telephone interview version of the second wave (May 2020) of the Covid study, the caring mod...
Laurence Rowley-Abel
01:48 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1931 (Resolved): Child Birthweight
I am interested in looking at children's birthweight across the waves from 2010 and onwards. I have come across vario... Taiba Chaudhry


03:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1929 (Feedback): ISCO classification of occupations
4-digit ISCO is available in the Special Licence version of the main UKHLS data file available here: https:...
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:56 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1929 (Resolved): ISCO classification of occupations
I am wondering whether there exists also the full four digit version of ISCO(88 or 08) codes as the variable query on... Jesse Magin


05:05 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1928 (Feedback): Health condition (hcond) for new entrants and missing values (including -8 inapplicable)
Dear Alexander,
The definition of new entrants in the routing of the hcond questions is based on the following condi...
Understanding Society User Support Team


01:13 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1907: Weighting advice for information from previous wave on wave 12 respondents
You will need a longitudinal weight for your analysis if you are using information from more than 1 wave.
Olena Kaminska
11:54 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1928 (Resolved): Health condition (hcond) for new entrants and missing values (including -8 inapplicable)
I'm interested in constructing health status and especially certain health conditions over time.
Therefore I have cr...
Alexander Labeit


09:05 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1927 (Feedback): SF1 and SCSF1 variables
Hello Rowan,
Thanks for highlighting this. We are very sorry the variable note is not entirely correct. We will re...
Understanding Society User Support Team


09:35 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1927 (Resolved): SF1 and SCSF1 variables
Dear sir or madam,
The variables SF1 and SCSF1, in the w_indresp files, are supposed to represent self-assessed h...
C Rowan Marron
03:48 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1917 (Feedback): DVLA Data: Untaxed vehicles
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
The car registration data was collected at W5 (2013-15) whi...
Understanding Society User Support Team


03:49 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1907: Weighting advice for information from previous wave on wave 12 respondents
One more thing, if you are using at least one self-completion variable in your analysis model then the correct weight... Understanding Society User Support Team
03:47 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1907: Weighting advice for information from previous wave on wave 12 respondents
For the example you have described, the correct weight is l_indinui_xw.
Due to staff time constraints, we only ad...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:44 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1907: Weighting advice for information from previous wave on wave 12 respondents
I'm looking to estimate the probably that a survey respondent is classified as economically inactive in wave 12 based... Peter Humphreys
03:19 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1926: Parent-reported variables
I see. What you are suggesting is correct.
These questions were asked only in the BHPS. Based on the questionnaire...
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:43 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1926: Parent-reported variables
Hi Alita/team,
Thanks for getting back to me. This information will be useful for me later on, but I'm not sure it...
Anna Dearman
10:24 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1926 (Feedback): Parent-reported variables
Hi Anna,
We provide some of this linking information so you don't need to do this yourself. In the w_indall files,...
Understanding Society User Support Team


04:05 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1926 (Resolved): Parent-reported variables
I would like to check whether I have merged some files correctly, please? My aim is to gather parent-reported variabl... Anna Dearman
11:46 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1913 (Resolved): Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
Understanding Society User Support Team


05:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1924: Control for mother/father educ
Hi Pauline,
The majority of these new entrants will be youth turning 16 and thus becoming eligible for an adult in...
Understanding Society User Support Team
04:58 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1925 (Feedback): Importing data to R - converting from wide to long error
Dear Matthew,
This is a user deposited file, I am afraid we do not provide assistance for these files. Please cont...
Understanding Society User Support Team


10:18 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1925 (Resolved): Importing data to R - converting from wide to long error
I've been trying to read in data (a stata file) in R, tidy and convert from wide to long format using the code shared... Matthew Clark


01:51 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1913: Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
ok, thank you so much Olena, this has been incredibly helpful.
all best,
Laura Jones
12:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1913: Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
Yes, good point. For a single parent household use the parent's weight (regardless of gender). But for both...
Olena Kaminska
10:23 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1924: Control for mother/father educ
Yes but that info is not available for the wave 11 entrants no? It's only for people up until wave 6? Pauline Bucher
10:18 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1924 (Feedback): Control for mother/father educ
Hi Pauline,
It's best to link this information from xwavedat, use the maedqf and paedqf variables.
Best wishes,...
Understanding Society User Support Team


12:48 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1924 (Resolved): Control for mother/father educ
Hi team,
In Wave 11 of the UKHLS- is there any variables to control for father/mother's education?
Thanks, Pauline
Pauline Bucher


05:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1923 (Resolved): Utilising questions from UKLHS as national benchmarks in Wales
The question was answered over email. Understanding Society User Support Team
10:09 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1923 (Resolved): Utilising questions from UKLHS as national benchmarks in Wales
I am a Research Fellow at Cardiff University working on a project funded by Healthy Working Wales (HWW) of Public Hea... Sara Long
05:05 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1922 (Feedback): Care Home
Hi Joshua,
To see if the household is in an institution, use dweltyp (hhsamp) for CAPI, and whether the respondent...
Understanding Society User Support Team


01:42 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1913: Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
Thanks Olena,
One final question - why do you suggest using the father's weight as opposed to the mother's? Since mo...
Laura Jones
12:19 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1913: Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
If both parents need to respond to a full personal interview, we don't have a weight for this combination. You could ... Olena Kaminska


04:35 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1913: Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
to clarify the above - children's eligibility depends on *both* of their parents incomes (assuming they live in a two... Laura Jones
10:24 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1913: Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
Thanks so much for your response Olena.
I am a little confused as to how that would work in practice given that many...
Laura Jones
12:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1908 (Feedback): Weights using the BHPS Consolidated Marital, Cohabitation and Fertility Histories
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:28 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1921 (Feedback): Non-Covid affected data
When you don't weight our data your estimates will be biased in certain ways, please see the weighting section of the... Understanding Society User Support Team
10:37 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1921: Non-Covid affected data
I am actually confused about the weights?
What is wrong/what happens if I use for example Wave 11's data only with...
Pauline Bucher
09:03 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1922 (Resolved): Care Home
Understanding Society states, 'Sample is not selected from institutions such as care homes but if sample members move... Joshua Parry


07:20 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1921 (In Progress): Non-Covid affected data
In wave 10 there 145 respondents (j_indresp, count if j_ienddaty==2020 & j_ienddatm>=3) who completed their i...
Understanding Society User Support Team
07:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1920: Create a Schooling years variable
Sorry, I missed your further posts.
Re 2, the advice is the same, the most efficient way is to link that informati...
Understanding Society User Support Team
05:13 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1920 (Feedback): Create a Schooling years variable
1) I am afraid I can't help you with this one, that depends on you research problem and we leave such decision...
Understanding Society User Support Team
05:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1919 (Feedback): Marital status (mastat_dv & marstat_dv)
Hi Luis,
mastat_dv is more detailed and has slightly less missing values than marstat_dv. The reason behind is tha...
Understanding Society User Support Team
04:41 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1918 (Feedback): Controlling for residence/county
You need to apply for one of the geographical identifiers datasets. These datasets include only the househ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:21 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1908: Weights using the BHPS Consolidated Marital, Cohabitation and Fertility Histories
Dear Natalia,
Thank you for your question. All the weights we provide are probability weights (pw in stata).
If y...
Olena Kaminska


03:51 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1920: Create a Schooling years variable
Here is the code I have tried for query 2) using the xwavedat file but I still get only 1081 observations...
use x...
Pauline Bucher
02:50 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1920: Create a Schooling years variable
Note: I am confused about a 3) thing
3)When recoding the -8 and -1 as misisng in wave 11 for both scend and feend,...
Pauline Bucher
02:39 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1920 (Resolved): Create a Schooling years variable
Hi team,
I need help with some Stata coding...I want to create a schooling years variable to get the number of yea...
Pauline Bucher
02:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1921 (Resolved): Non-Covid affected data
Hi team,
If I want the most recent data unaffected by Covid, what wave should I use? I started using 2019-2020 but...
Pauline Bucher


06:07 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1919 (Resolved): Marital status (mastat_dv & marstat_dv)
Dear colleagues,
I'm wondering which of the derived variables of maritat status to use for my analysis.
When I ...
Luis Ortiz
01:39 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1918 (Resolved): Controlling for residence/county
Hi team,
I am looking to control for the region where respodents live/work at. I have found variables that allow t...
Pauline Bucher

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