



From 06/30/2019 to 07/29/2019


03:23 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1216: Buckner's Neighbourhood Cohesion Instrument & Neighbourhood Social Cohesion
Hi Celine,
there is a typo in the variable note -- the attraction subscale in Buckner's instrument only has 3 compon...
Gundi Knies
10:35 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1217: BHPS and UKHLS weights
Dear Nurfatima,
You shouldn't use design weights on their own - they are provided for advanced users who want to c...
Olena Kaminska
09:38 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1220: Loneliness
Dear Alita,
On the UCLA measure the response options are 'hardly ever', 'some of the time' and 'often', but the do...
Sofi Nickson
09:36 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1218: job change since the previous survey
Thanks for this helpful reply Alita. I've got a couple of follow-up questions, if that's ok.
Firstly, I'm finding ...
Daniel Tomlinson


03:40 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1220 (In Progress): Loneliness
Dear Sofi,
Response from our Questionnaire Team: We didn’t choose the response options. These come from a recognis...
Alita Nandi
02:15 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1220 (Resolved): Loneliness
Is there any documentation on why the response options for loneliness questions are 'hardly ever or never' as opposed... Sofi Nickson


01:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #908 (In Progress): Request
You were interested in the partnership history files that we were preparing. We have recently deposited the "Understa... Alita Nandi


06:05 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1211: promotion variable and household income
A colleague has suggested that to identify promotions within the same job (when not being recorded as a job change) c... Alita Nandi
06:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1211: promotion variable and household income
Hi Ioulia,
There are 3 sets of variables that record reason for job end in UKHLS, based on the route taken - jbend...
Alita Nandi
06:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1215: wJHSTAT for employment at same firm
sorry, use this: UKHLS-REQUEST@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Alita Nandi
05:54 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1215: wJHSTAT for employment at same firm
Hi Chris,
Please see our response to #1218, a similar query to yours. That is not a complete answer for this query...
Alita Nandi
06:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1218: job change since the previous survey
sorry, use this: UKHLS-REQUEST@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Alita Nandi
05:55 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1218: job change since the previous survey
Note #1215 is a similar query. It may be useful to sign up for our JISC mail for data users to discuss analysis issue... Alita Nandi
05:47 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1218: job change since the previous survey
Specifically for between wave job changes look at the bw_johist files and the variable bw_jhstat variable. Alita Nandi
05:41 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1218 (In Progress): job change since the previous survey
In UKHLS, you can identify people who have experienced a job change between two waves by using this condition (w_empc... Alita Nandi


06:52 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1218 (Resolved): job change since the previous survey
I want to know how many people have left their job between each pair of survey waves, and would like to do this ...
Daniel Tomlinson
07:27 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1217 (Resolved): BHPS and UKHLS weights
For our project we are working with wave 18 of BHPS and wave 1 of UKHLS. In these datasets we are using cro...
Nurfatima Jandarova


11:08 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1215 (In Progress): wJHSTAT for employment at same firm
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Alita Nandi
11:07 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1216 (In Progress): Buckner's Neighbourhood Cohesion Instrument & Neighbourhood Social Cohesion
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Alita Nandi
10:59 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
Dear Sarah,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We generally provide support and advice on data (& weights...
Alita Nandi


06:47 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1216 (Resolved): Buckner's Neighbourhood Cohesion Instrument & Neighbourhood Social Cohesion
I'm working on neighbourhood social cohesion as a variable and looking at both Buckner's Neighbourhood Cohesion...
Celine Teo


11:05 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1212: UKHLS/BHPS Harmonized data set
Glad I could help pointing this out and thanks for detailed response!
Gundi Knies wrote:
> Dear Ma...
Martin Binder
11:03 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1213: oprlg1 Religion variable in BHPS/UKHLS harmonized data set contains unexplained values in wave k
Dear Gundi,
thanks so much! That resolves it!
Gundi Knies wrote:
> Dear Martin,
> this appears t...
Martin Binder


05:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1212: UKHLS/BHPS Harmonized data set
Dear Martin,
according to the question text and notes in the UKHLS questionnaire, the variable _mlstat should be rou...
Gundi Knies
04:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1213 (Feedback): oprlg1 Religion variable in BHPS/UKHLS harmonized data set contains unexplained values in wave k
Dear Martin,
this appears to be a labeling issue due to this question having been asked only in Northern Ireland (i....
Gundi Knies
03:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1215 (Resolved): wJHSTAT for employment at same firm
I'm trying to find a way to use wJHSTAT to find out whether a participant worked at the same firm through all...
Chris Martin
05:22 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1214 (In Progress): variables "satisfaction with...."
Hi Ioulia,
Yes you are correct, the variable satisfaction with housing was not included in UKHLS.
Best wishes,
Alita Nandi


04:58 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1208: Identifying step-parent from relationship file
Hi Alita,
Thanks for your response. Your explanation definitely sounds plausible.
I've just had a look into my...
Charlotte Edney
03:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1208: Identifying step-parent from relationship file
Hello Charlotte,
You are right about this discrepancy.
In Wave 3, there were 969 who said they were living with ...
Alita Nandi
04:15 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
thank you. I'm coming up with an error message that says my weight is being ignored and a warning message on th...
Sarah H
03:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
Cluster variable is called psu.
Best wishes,
Olena Kaminska
02:48 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
Hi Olena
What is the cluster variable I should use? I have used the strata variable
Best wishes
Sarah H
04:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1214 (Resolved): variables "satisfaction with...."
I have a question on the variables the satisfaction variables sclfsat1 (health), sclfsat2 (income), sclfsat...
Ioulia Bessa
09:58 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1213 (Resolved): oprlg1 Religion variable in BHPS/UKHLS harmonized data set contains unexplained values in wave k
The religious denomination variable contains values in wave k (see also website: Martin Binder
09:54 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1212 (Resolved): UKHLS/BHPS Harmonized data set
Dear Madam or Sir,
thank you for putting together such a great harmonized version of both data sets, I think this ...
Martin Binder


04:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1211: promotion variable and household income
Dear Alita,
Thank you so much for the response.
It is massively helpful.
Thank you for being so responsive a...
Ioulia Bessa
03:48 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1211 (In Progress): promotion variable and household income
Hi Ioulia,
Stephanie is away right now, so your email was not picked up. Sorry about that. If you want to attend t...
Alita Nandi
11:45 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1211 (Resolved): promotion variable and household income
I am working on a project, using Understanding Society and I have two questions:
a)I had to locate those...
Ioulia Bessa


04:19 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1208: Identifying step-parent from relationship file
Hi Stephanie,
Sorry for the delay and thanks for your response.
I was looking at a longitudinal file of all waves...
Charlotte Edney


01:12 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
No, cross-tabulation will be wrong without weighting.
But if you are not presenting confidence intervals ...
Olena Kaminska
01:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
Thank you Olena for this information
Can I confirm that if I do not do hypothesis testing and only cross tabulatio...
Sarah H


04:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
I see the problem. The way you specified weights in SPSS they are assumed to be frequency weights. Our weig...
Olena Kaminska


09:57 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
Hi Olena
Thank you. I've attached three pages in a word document. The first page has the syntax and the second and...
Sarah H


05:47 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1208: Identifying step-parent from relationship file
Dear Charlotte,
Can you tell me which wave you are looking at? I have checked Wave 7 and am not finding the result...
Stephanie Auty
04:20 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1208 (In Progress): Identifying step-parent from relationship file
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
05:45 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1210: Question about health conditions data
Thanks for the clarification Stephanie Jack Malde
05:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1210 (Feedback): Question about health conditions data
Dear Jack,
You are correct in what you have said. We have realised this problem and have redesigned these question...
Stephanie Auty
09:49 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1210 (Resolved): Question about health conditions data
I would simply like to generate a dummy variable to indicate if the individual has a certain health condition at each... Jack Malde
05:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1209 (Feedback): Shared parenting arrangements
Dear Kirsty,
We ask about this topic in the child maintenance module from the point of view of how often a child i...
Stephanie Auty
04:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
I am puzzled myself. But if you have a syntax that you can share I will be happy to look.
Olena Kaminska
01:49 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
Hi Olena
This is most strange and I've re-done the test again and appears the N does go up for weighted data in the ...
Sarah H
12:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
I just want to clarify my previous comment. It relates to your earlier results of Fisher exact test.
I on...
Olena Kaminska
10:09 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
Unfortunately I don't think I know the reason for the difference between weighted and unweighted analysis t...
Olena Kaminska


09:49 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1209 (Resolved): Shared parenting arrangements
Hello. From looking at the data you currently collect I can't see that it would be possible to assess how many childr... Kirsty Budds
04:38 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
Hi Olena
Yes I have used all the same variables when I did the analysis weighted/unweighted.
however, I have done...
Sarah H
12:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
The weighting deals only with unit nonresponse. Don't knows and refusals can be treated as valid answers or...
Olena Kaminska
11:56 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
Hi Olena
Thanks for your message. No I've used the exact same variables as I am using the same dataset but just ap...
Sarah H
11:49 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
I see. No, your subgroup definition is fine and yes, our data will represent this subgroup. I misunderstood...
Olena Kaminska


12:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
Dear Olena
Have I missed something? I am only looking at a very specific sub sample of the dataset (e.g. specific ...
Sarah H
12:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
Try to exclude the variable reflecting samples of interests. The weight takes into account samples correctly on your ... Olena Kaminska
12:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
The definition of the variable is the same. However, the variable i'm using is ethnicity and as there are so many, I'... Sarah H
11:54 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
This doesn't sound right: I expect the total with weights to be smaller than in unweighted analysis. I also...
Olena Kaminska
11:47 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
Fishers exact test performed.
Sample size before weighting n=962 p=.027
Sample size after weighting n=1015...
Sarah H
11:39 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
What was the sample size in your analysis before and after weighting, and what was the p-value?
Thank y...
Olena Kaminska
11:06 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1198: Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
Thank you Olena.
To follow on from this, I've conducted some analysis using the weight and results I would expect ...
Sarah H
11:50 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1208 (Feedback): Identifying step-parent from relationship file
I'm using a child-centric dataset to try and get an indicator of whether the child has a step-father in the ho...
Charlotte Edney
11:48 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1207: Weighting and state benefits
The cross-sectional weights are correct. For the longitudinal analysis starting at wave 2 you will need to...
Olena Kaminska

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