



From 06/14/2016 to 07/13/2016


03:54 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #602 (Closed): BHPS pid versus Understanding Society (UKHLS, with BHPS hhorig) pidp
The Understanding Society file b_indresp.dta appears to have 12036 individuals that originate from the BHPS (via hhor... Michael Nolan
10:14 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #601 (Closed): cross-sectional weight for xtra five minute sample missing from wave 2 datafile
In the wave 2 data file b_indresp there is no cross-sectional weight [b_ind5mus_xw]. Only the longitudinal we...
Renee Luthra
09:32 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #598: crosssectional BHPS sample weights in Understanding Society
I suggest you use W_indin01_lw. This is a longitudinal weight but it also represents the cross-sectional population. ... Olena Kaminska
08:32 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #599 (Feedback): highest educational level
Dear Sait,
Producing educational outcome in ISCED or Casmin scales is not something that we currently do - it is h...
Victoria Nolan


04:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #598: crosssectional BHPS sample weights in Understanding Society
Hi Olena,
Thank you very much for the quick response.
However we are still a little unsure how to proceed. We ...
Sait Bayrakdar
03:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #600 (Closed): qualoc variable, qualification from the UK or not
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, first of all thank you very much for dealing with my inquiry. My question concerns qualoc ... Nico Ochmann
03:04 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #596 (Feedback): employment spells
Dear Pilar,
You could have a look at the BHPS employment spell data reports as examples of how this can be done.
Victoria Nolan
02:54 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #599 (In Progress): highest educational level
Dear Sait,
Many thanks for your enquiry, and apologies that your previous post had been overlooked.
We are just...
Victoria Nolan
02:40 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #599 (Closed): highest educational level
I posted this issue previously, but I believe I made a mistake and flagged it as private. So I am report it ag...
Sait Bayrakdar


04:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #598 (Feedback): crosssectional BHPS sample weights in Understanding Society
Victoria Nolan
04:20 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #598: crosssectional BHPS sample weights in Understanding Society
For how to scale the 'ub' weight please see our reply to issue #228.
Olena Kaminska
04:18 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #598: crosssectional BHPS sample weights in Understanding Society
Thanks for your question. Yes, we do not provide separate cross-sectional weights for separate samples simply because... Olena Kaminska
03:33 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #598 (Closed): crosssectional BHPS sample weights in Understanding Society
I am working on an analysis which follows BHPS 2001 sample into Understanding Society (without including the U...
Sait Bayrakdar
01:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #587: Education category "Other school cert"
Hi Rachel,
Apologies for the delay - we have been looking into this, hopefully the information below will help.
Victoria Nolan
12:13 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #591 (Closed): Downloaded waves 1-7
Victoria Nolan
12:12 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #581: bensta_tfalimony variables
Hi Debs,
Just checking if we can close this issue, or if you are still discussing it with the data user?
Victoria Nolan
12:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #590 (Closed): guests staying with the household
Victoria Nolan
12:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #583 (Closed): BHPS merging job history and interview data
Victoria Nolan
12:10 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #588 (Closed): Locating Data
Victoria Nolan
12:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #592 (Feedback): Sampling weights when using the Youth Survey
Victoria Nolan
11:05 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #592: Sampling weights when using the Youth Survey
Indeed, you are one of our users who use an unusual combination of waves and questionnaires. We don't provide...
Olena Kaminska
11:35 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #585: Identifying individuals with whom an interview could not be completed
Dear Sanne,
As HIDP are not consistent across waves you cannot use that to directly identify individuals in Wave 1...
Alita Nandi


03:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #597 (Closed): some incorrect value lables - wave 5
The scwhoru* variables in wave 5 have strange value labels with @ inside, for instance:
1 @bvery important@b...
Renee Luthra


05:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #596 (Closed): employment spells
I am preparing employment spells data using the Understanding Society survey. I have successfully obtained mos...
Pilar Gonalons Pons


01:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #594 (Closed): Discrepancy in 'don't know' responses to yasoc00
For yasoc00 (and yasoc90/yasoc10), what occupation would you like to do, there are zero 'don't know' responses...
Megan Scott


01:08 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #587: Education category "Other school cert"
Hi Rachel,
Many thanks for your follow-up email on this:
_Thanks very much for your response. This has clarifie...
Victoria Nolan
01:00 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #586 (Closed): BHPS sample members without pids in Understanding Society
Victoria Nolan
12:58 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #565 (Closed): Egoalt file and meaning of alwstat codes
Victoria Nolan
12:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #584 (Closed): New births in understanding society
Victoria Nolan


05:19 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #591 (In Progress): Downloaded waves 1-7
Hello Gemma,
As you have mentioned 1-7 waves of data, I am guessing that you have downloaded Innovation Panel data...
Alita Nandi


01:53 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #592: Sampling weights when using the Youth Survey
Dear Tomos,
Many thanks for your enquiry. I have assigned this to my colleague Olena who will look into it and res...
Victoria Nolan
01:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #592 (Closed): Sampling weights when using the Youth Survey
Dear Understanding Society.
I'm having trouble working out which survey weights to use for my empirical analysis.
Tomos Robinson
12:23 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #590 (Feedback): guests staying with the household
Dear Sait,
No, we do not interview guests and other people who are in the household just for a short period. There...
Victoria Nolan
10:20 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #587 (Feedback): Education category "Other school cert"
Dear Rachel,
Taking a look at the questionnaire, the response option this category relates to is “Other school (in...
Victoria Nolan
10:18 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #581 (Feedback): bensta_tfalimony variables
Hi Debs,
Sorry again for the delay, we have been trying to get to the bottom of what the issue is. Jon has provide...
Victoria Nolan
09:18 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #583: BHPS merging job history and interview data
Dear Victoria,
This is clarifying. I have checked the age distribution of those not matched to job history record...
Pilar Gonalons Pons


05:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #591 (Closed): Downloaded waves 1-7
I'm pretty sure ive downloaded waves 1-7. However, when i open the file it doesn't seem to say which wave i...
Gemma Daly


08:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #590 (Closed): guests staying with the household
I have looked into the data documentation but did not see any explanation on the following issue. Does Unders...
Sait Bayrakdar
03:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #583 (Feedback): BHPS merging job history and interview data
Dear Pilar,
We have now finished looking into this and can offer the following advice:
We think that there are tw...
Victoria Nolan


04:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #579 (Closed): attrition question
Victoria Nolan
03:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #583: BHPS merging job history and interview data
Dear Pilar,
Apologies for the delay in getting back to you about this - we are still investigating. One question -...
Victoria Nolan
10:09 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #588: Locating Data
Dear Grace,
ONS use the standard end-user licence version of Understanding Society, so that is what you should be ac...
Gundi Knies


06:15 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #588 (Closed): Locating Data
I have been awarded a scholarship from the University of Sheffield to do a short research project on Well-bei...
Grace Wallace


04:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #586 (In Progress): BHPS sample members without pids in Understanding Society
Hi Sait,
All existing BHPS members in Understanding Society will have their original PID. But new entrants who joi...
Alita Nandi
02:16 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #586 (Closed): BHPS sample members without pids in Understanding Society
I am working on the attrition in BHPS and UKHLS.
I realised some cases in UKHLS (around 400 in each wave) ...
Sait Bayrakdar
03:00 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #587 (Closed): Education category "Other school cert"
From Wave 2 variables qfhigh/nqfhigh there is an option "Other school cert". At what academic level would this ...
Rachel Sumner
09:06 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #585: Identifying individuals with whom an interview could not be completed
Dear Alita,
Thanks for your response. I understand that because of changes in household composition household ide...
Sanne Velthuis
03:17 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #585 (In Progress): Identifying individuals with whom an interview could not be completed
Household Identifiers, W_HIDP are unique within a wave but not across wave. the individual identifier PIDP is unique ... Alita Nandi


06:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #585 (Closed): Identifying individuals with whom an interview could not be completed
I have a question relating to respondents living in households which were contacted by an interviewer but with whom n... Sanne Velthuis
03:28 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #565: Egoalt file and meaning of alwstat codes
Alita Nandi
01:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #565: Egoalt file and meaning of alwstat codes
Hi Alita,
Thanks for your reply. So I think that I need to use the egoalt file, because I want to consider only ch...
Dan Brown
01:40 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #565: Egoalt file and meaning of alwstat codes
Following up on point 4 above - As children of OSM fathers or TSM mothers are not OSMs, their newborns will not have ... Alita Nandi
01:43 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #584 (Feedback): New births in understanding society
Victoria Nolan
01:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #584: New births in understanding society
Hi Emma,
please take a look at table 66 in the Understanding Society Quality Profile. It reports, among other stats,...
Gundi Knies
12:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #578 (Closed): physical activity data
Victoria Nolan
12:08 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #575 (Closed): Institutional accommodation definition
Victoria Nolan
12:08 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #574 (Closed): Labour income variables
Victoria Nolan
12:08 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #571 (Closed): routing for a_jbhad and b_jbbgd/b_jbbgm/b_jbbgy
Victoria Nolan


11:00 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #584 (Closed): New births in understanding society
I would like to know how many new births there are for the sample, in each wave. Emma Tominey


08:40 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #581 (In Progress): bensta_tfalimony variables
Hi Debs,
Just to let you know we are looking into this - I have passed it on to Nick and hopefully will get a resp...
Victoria Nolan


04:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #583 (In Progress): BHPS merging job history and interview data
Dear Pilar,
Many thanks for your enquiry - we are looking into it here and will get back to you as soon as we can....
Victoria Nolan


09:45 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #583 (Closed): BHPS merging job history and interview data
Reposting because I am not sure my previous post is public/can be seen
I am using the BHPS and merging job ...
Pilar Gonalons Pons


02:28 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #581 (Closed): bensta_tfalimony variables
Dear Support,
We have received a query from one of our data users regarding the recording of maintenance/alimony p...
Deborah Wiltshire

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