



From 12/10/2015 to 01/08/2016


08:08 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #473: Zero income from labour but high job satisfaction
Thanks. There does appear to be one difference--the income from labor in US appears to be top-coded, wherea...
Chris Martin
07:43 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #473: Zero income from labour but high job satisfaction
Dear Chris,
Based on the information you provided, I think you will find that the those with zero employment incom...
Victoria Nolan
05:19 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #481: Should household identifier match (for most respondents) across waves?
Hi Alita,
Fantastic, thanks for your response (and so quickly).
Phil Jones
05:15 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #481 (In Progress): Should household identifier match (for most respondents) across waves?
Hi Phil,
There is no concept of a longitudinal household in Understanding Society. As households change it is diff...
Alita Nandi
05:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #481 (Closed): Should household identifier match (for most respondents) across waves?
Do household identifiers (b_hidp, and c_hidp) match across waves (for respondents who do not move home)?
I've crea...
Phil Jones
04:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #463: Job History Data
The best way to find out is to either search in the questionnaire for the wave you are interested in
Alita Nandi
04:16 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #463: Job History Data
Alita Nandi wrote:
> Yes, it is called w_gor_dv (w is the wave prefix)
Ahh ok thank you very much. Also, I was st...
Anuj Vithlani


11:30 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #463: Job History Data
Yes, it is called w_gor_dv (w is the wave prefix)
Alita Nandi
02:56 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #463: Job History Data
Alita Nandi wrote:
> As the reasons for this decision was not dependant on any individual, household or regional cha...
Anuj Vithlani
04:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #478 (Feedback): Sexual orientation in Wave e
Dear Paco,
Yes, this question was only asked of 16-21 year olds in wave 5. Other adult respondents were not asked ...
Victoria Nolan
09:06 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #478 (In Progress): Sexual orientation in Wave e
Dear Paco,
Many thanks for your enquiry - I am just following this up with colleagues and I will get back to you w...
Victoria Nolan
03:16 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #480 (In Progress): Analysis by highest educational or vocational qualification
Dear Veronique,
Many thanks for your enquiry.
qfhigh_dv includes vocational qualifications which could not be f...
Victoria Nolan
10:52 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #480 (Closed): Analysis by highest educational or vocational qualification
We are planning to analyse some of the Understanding Society variables by highest educational or vocational qualifica... Veronique Siegler


05:35 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #473: Zero income from labour but high job satisfaction
Thanks for your update. I've been using both BHPS and Understanding Society data. In BHPS, I've been using ...
Chris Martin
03:05 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #477: Childcare module
Hi Chris,
the w_child.dta files include a number of pointers to the various people who may have provided information...
Gundi Knies
08:36 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #477 (In Progress): Childcare module
Dear Charlie,
Many thanks for your enquiry. I have assigned this to my colleague Gundi who will be able to respond...
Victoria Nolan
09:16 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #476 (Resolved): Variable LVLONG reoccurence
Dear Kristina,
I have checked with colleagues and we do not carry that question, or anything about life expectancy...
Victoria Nolan
08:39 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #476 (In Progress): Variable LVLONG reoccurence
Dear Kristina,
Many thanks for your enquiry - I am just following this up with colleagues and I will get back to y...
Victoria Nolan
08:38 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #474 (In Progress): Large income jump between Wave 18 of BHPS and Wave 2 of UKHLS
Dear Chris,
Many thanks for your enquiry - I am just following this up with colleagues and I will get back to you ...
Victoria Nolan
06:54 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #479 (In Progress): Urgent - data accesss support
What data management or statistical softwares do you use? If you use Stata or SPSS then you could download the data i... Alita Nandi
05:31 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #479 (Closed): Urgent - data accesss support
I am looking to download data in a format that I can ideally use in excel. If not, I am willing to download any softw... Christopher Booth


10:54 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #478 (Closed): Sexual orientation in Wave e
Hi there,
I see from the documentation that the variable e_sexuor is available in wave 5 of the panel.
However, i...
Paco Perales
03:44 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #477 (Closed): Childcare module
Is it possible to find the person number for the person completing the childcare module? The file c_child.sav include... Charlie Owen
02:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #473 (In Progress): Zero income from labour but high job satisfaction
Dear Chris,
Thank you for your request.
Firstly for information, the routing information for each variable is ...
Victoria Nolan
11:51 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #470 (In Progress): Benefit Data
Dear Megan,
Mnany thanks for your enquiry.
There are different methods of finding variables available in the da...
Victoria Nolan
11:41 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #476 (Closed): Variable LVLONG reoccurence
Dear UKHLS support team,

--- Could I please confirm if a specific question that first occurred in the British Hou...
Kristina Dietz
09:48 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #475: ECHP-SCPR, ECHP-ONS, and ECHP-NI
Hi Chris,
As Gundi said, the ECHP sample is not part of Understanding Society. However, if you are using the BHPS ...
Alita Nandi
09:43 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #475 (Resolved): ECHP-SCPR, ECHP-ONS, and ECHP-NI
Dear Chris,
the ECHP subsample did not become part of the Understanding Society sample because data collection for t...
Gundi Knies


05:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #475 (Closed): ECHP-SCPR, ECHP-ONS, and ECHP-NI
I am trying to understand the values of memorig, which codes the subsample in BHPS. I understand the meaning of value... Chris Martin
05:33 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #474 (Closed): Large income jump between Wave 18 of BHPS and Wave 2 of UKHLS
I have merged data from the BHPS with Understanding Society and have an issue with income data. In BHPS, two o...
Chris Martin
05:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #473 (Closed): Zero income from labour but high job satisfaction
There are many cases where income from labor is zero, but the respondent has a high level of job satisfaction. Could ... Chris Martin
02:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #461 (Resolved): Was Maternal BMI or Maternal Weigth and Height Data been recorded?
Alita Nandi
02:36 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #463 (In Progress): Job History Data
Alita Nandi
02:36 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #472 (In Progress): Inapplicable Answers
Alita Nandi
02:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #472: Inapplicable Answers
Hi Alex,
As you can see from the Universe this was asked only of "proxy respondents" who were in paid work in the ...
Alita Nandi
02:36 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #471 (In Progress): Weights
Alita Nandi
02:30 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #471: Weights
Hi Alex,
Please see "Example 6: Working with weights and complex survey design" of the "Introduction to Understand...
Alita Nandi
02:36 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #465 (In Progress): Immediate - BHPS data access help
Alita Nandi


06:14 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #472 (Closed): Inapplicable Answers
I looked at the variable c_pjbptft (whether they work full time or part time) in c_indresp (adult self comple...
Alex Best
05:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #471 (Closed): Weights
I am doing cross-sectional analysis of wave 3 (adult self completion questionnaire), so I am aware I need to use the ... Alex Best


10:38 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #449 (Closed): Sexuality Variable
Redmine Admin
10:37 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #450 (Closed): subpopulation analysis
Redmine Admin
10:37 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #453 (Closed): Zero value weight with nurse data combined to blood sample and main sample (w2)
Redmine Admin
10:37 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #456 (Closed): comparing across waves
Redmine Admin
10:36 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #460 (Closed): Language variables
Redmine Admin
10:36 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #464 (Closed): Local Authority Data
Redmine Admin
10:35 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #466 (Closed): Deprivation scores
links should have been prepared. Thanks for making us aware of this problem. Jakob Redmine Admin
10:34 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #467 (Closed): Ns-sec/UKborn and religion
Redmine Admin


11:19 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #470 (Closed): Benefit Data
Can you please tell me what information is collected with regards to benefit payments. Is this a simple ye...
megan macpherson


09:51 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #453: Zero value weight with nurse data combined to blood sample and main sample (w2)
Thanks Olena, it helps a lot !
Thank you again for the time you take to answer me. I better understand the use of ...
Gaelle Albertus
07:41 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #463: Job History Data
As the reasons for this decision was not dependant on any individual, household or regional characteristics and as th... Alita Nandi


10:35 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #469 (In Progress): cross tabulation question
Hi Veronique,
when you look at the online variable level description you will see that _jbnssec_dv is derived from _...
Gundi Knies
11:48 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #463: Job History Data
Alita Nandi wrote:
> Hi Anuj,
> You will have to create these variables yourself. We do not provide these derived v...
Anuj Vithlani


04:07 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #463: Job History Data
Hi Anuj,
You will have to create these variables yourself. We do not provide these derived variables as yet.
Best w...
Alita Nandi


02:23 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #469 (Closed): cross tabulation question
When I cross tabulate c_jbnnssec_dv (NS-SEC of current job) with c_jobstat (current employment status) , some people ... Veronique Siegler


05:33 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #463: Job History Data
Alita Nandi wrote:
> Employment histories were collected for the 1-6 month samples in wave 1 and for the remaining 6...
Anuj Vithlani
03:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #468: Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
Wonderful, many thanks for your response and your help! I am looking forward to analysing the data!
Best wishes,
Konstantin Käppner
02:12 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #468 (Closed): Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
Erroneously, the documentation from the previous deposit is currently the first part of the ducumentation you find. W... Redmine Admin
12:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #468: Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
Dear Jakob,
thank you for the information. I will hence apply for the special license datasets to obtain ward iden...
Konstantin Käppner
10:38 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #468: Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
The most accurate information that we can offer on location is postcode centroids at a single point in time. This inf... Redmine Admin
10:25 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #465: Immediate - BHPS data access help
All household level questions are asked in the household questionnaire. You can search for these variables by looking... Alita Nandi


07:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #468: Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
Dear Jakob,
many thanks for the swift response. As I said, I think it would be an easier solution if I could obtai...
Konstantin Käppner
06:58 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #468 (In Progress): Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
Unfortunately, we are not currently able to grant access to Secure Access data to researchers based outside the UK. W... Redmine Admin
12:53 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #468 (Closed): Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
Dear Understanding Society Team mebmers at ISER,
I am currently conducting an analysis of individual voting dynam...
Konstantin Käppner
07:13 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #464: Local Authority Data
Please see this FAQ: Redmine Admin


07:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #453: Zero value weight with nurse data combined to blood sample and main sample (w2)
Dear Gaelle,
First, let me answer a question whether you need weights. You don’t need weights if you want to talk ...
Olena Kaminska
02:15 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #467: Ns-sec/UKborn and religion
"Whether current job NS-SEC is given by c_j1soc10_cc (NS-SEC 10) or c_j1soc00_cc (NS-SEC 2000)?"
These do not ref...
Alita Nandi
02:04 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #467: Ns-sec/UKborn and religion
ukborn (and other iniital conditions questions) are asked only when first interviewed so they will have a lot of miss... Alita Nandi
12:55 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #467 (Closed): Ns-sec/UKborn and religion
Please could you just clarify(apologies unfamilar with running these in Understanding society and a colleague has que... angela potter-collins
08:59 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #466: Deprivation scores
Thanks for letting us know. The new link is:
Redmine Admin


08:39 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #466 (Closed): Deprivation scores
My enquiry is about IMD/Carstairs scores. As I understand they are not included in the data but should be linked to g... Johanna Jokio
05:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #450 (In Progress): subpopulation analysis
All our weights are designed for analysis of the whole population on any population subgroup. Apologies for taking a ... Redmine Admin
04:33 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #465 (Closed): Immediate - BHPS data access help
Dear Understanding Society User Support,
I have registered for the UK Data Service and acquired BHPS data for my d...
Christopher Booth
01:20 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #464 (Closed): Local Authority Data
I am looking to use the Understanding Society data for a project I am involved in. I wondered if the data ...
megan macpherson
12:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #461: Was Maternal BMI or Maternal Weigth and Height Data been recorded?
Please take a look at the variable description in the Online Documentation for the frequency distribution of response... Alita Nandi
12:33 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #463: Job History Data
Employment histories were collected for the 1-6 month samples in wave 1 and for the remaining 6-24 month samples in w... Alita Nandi
12:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #460: Language variables
>Can I clarify that there is no question asking if the respondents speaks a language other than English at home?
Alita Nandi
12:21 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #449: Sexuality Variable
Hi Alex,
Proxy interview: When a person is unable to give an interview, in some cases, their spouse or adult child...
Alita Nandi
07:45 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #453: Zero value weight with nurse data combined to blood sample and main sample (w2)
Hi Olena,
Thanks a lot for your helpful response.
I already read the User guide of both main stage and nurse h...
Gaelle Albertus

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