From 03/13/2022 to 04/11/2022
10:01 AM Support #1650: yp2uni missing/inapplicable/don't know categories
- Dear Support team,
Thank you for your help
To your question "So, just to make sure, your question is whether on...
08:05 PM Support #1678: Weights for the linked COVID-19 Youth data
- !Screenshot%202022-04-10%20at%2020.05.16.png!
08:04 PM Support #1678: Weights for the linked COVID-19 Youth data
- Hello,
I have finally managed to figure out the syntax for the regression part.
Here is my syntax:
// July 202...
05:46 PM Support #1680 (Resolved): Merging: Many to one & sorting
- Hello,
I wanted to merge youth datasets for Wave 10 (UKHLS), Wave 4 (COVID) and Wave 8 (COVID).
1) Should I use ... -
04:19 PM Support #1678: Weights for the linked COVID-19 Youth data
- I have just realised that I do not know which dependent variable I should use for my regression.
I was thinking to g... -
03:31 PM Support #1678: Weights for the linked COVID-19 Youth data
- Could you please also include the syntax for the regression part?
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support... -
03:27 PM Support #1678: Weights for the linked COVID-19 Youth data
- Let me show my steps:
1) I merged youth who participated in Wave 4 (July 2020) and Wave 8 (March 2021) and kept thos... -
03:17 PM Support #1678: Weights for the linked COVID-19 Youth data
- As I am using the same respondents who took part in the pre-covid wave, the 4th Covid wave and the 8th Covid wave I t...
02:12 PM Support #1678 (Feedback): Weights for the linked COVID-19 Youth data
02:11 PM Support #1678: Weights for the linked COVID-19 Youth data
- Dear Irina,
Is your analysis cross-sectional or longitudinal?
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support ... -
03:22 PM Support #1677 (Feedback): Covid Wave cx_age variable inconsistencies
- This inconsistency is due to the fact that in the April 2020 web survey, there were 433 full and 49 partial responden...
02:31 PM Support #1679 (Feedback): Wave 7 COVID-19 DATA- Universal Credit receipt
- Hi Fatiha,
You can look for variables using the variable search ( -
02:01 PM Support #1679 (Resolved): Wave 7 COVID-19 DATA- Universal Credit receipt
- Hi there I am trying to use claiming Universal Credit as an independent variable when looking at food insecurity, how...
05:36 PM Support #1678 (In Progress): Weights for the linked COVID-19 Youth data
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:59 PM Support #1678 (Resolved): Weights for the linked COVID-19 Youth data
- Hello!
Hope this email finds you well.
I am currently working with COVID-19 youth data and I have a question a... -
05:34 PM Support #1677 (In Progress): Covid Wave cx_age variable inconsistencies
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
11:49 AM Support #1677 (Resolved): Covid Wave cx_age variable inconsistencies
- I have noticed a few inconsistencies with the derived cx_age variables. For example if ages are listed where ca_age >...
05:33 PM Support #1675 (Feedback): Wave 7 COVID-19 DATA- Employment Status
- In the Covid-19 survey the question about labour market activity was not asked in each wave, only whether the respond...
06:24 PM Support #1673: pensioner_dv seems to be wrong for men
- Hi Tom,
We have passed this to our Data Team who are now investigating this discrepancy. We will keep you updated.... -
05:47 PM Support #1675 (In Progress): Wave 7 COVID-19 DATA- Employment Status
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
05:47 PM Support #1676 (In Progress): Youth self-esteem measure
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:56 AM Support #1676 (Resolved): Youth self-esteem measure
- Hello,
I am using the self-esteem measure from the youth questionnaire. There are 8 items - they seem to be from t...
02:31 PM Support #1675 (Resolved): Wave 7 COVID-19 DATA- Employment Status
- I am trying to find a variable for employment status but cannot find one measuring whether people are employed or une...
10:45 AM Support #1674 (Resolved): Merging parstyle and indresp using hidp
- The question was answered by email.
06:20 AM Support #1674 (Resolved): Merging parstyle and indresp using hidp
- I can't seem to merge parstyle and indresp using hidp
05:02 PM Support #1673 (In Progress): pensioner_dv seems to be wrong for men
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
11:29 AM Support #1673 (In Progress): pensioner_dv seems to be wrong for men
- Hi,
The pensioner_dv variable is supposed to determine whether the respondent is past State Pension Age (SPA). But...
03:09 PM Support #1668 (Feedback): Net household income including housing benefit adjustment
- If you look at the user guide section on hh income here
12:48 PM Support #1671 (Feedback): Linking parents-children data during COVID (2019-2021)
- Hello Irina,
Please read the Covid-19 user guide which discusses weights and how to link the covid-19 survey data ...
04:49 PM Support #1672 (Feedback): Long Covid
- Hello,
The routing condition for the cw_longcovid variable reads "Ask if previously reported having covid symptoms... -
12:22 PM Support #1672 (In Progress): Long Covid
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
12:01 PM Support #1672 (Resolved): Long Covid
- The question on Long Covid (longcovid) in the USoc COVID-19 Study 2020-2021 was posed to the following participants: ...
11:52 AM Support #1671 (In Progress): Linking parents-children data during COVID (2019-2021)
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
12:21 AM Support #1671 (Resolved): Linking parents-children data during COVID (2019-2021)
- Hello!
My name is Irina Kolegova, I am a Masters student at the University of Oxford. Currently I am working on m...
04:47 PM Support #1670: Local Authority Districts (LAD) from SN 6666
- Very good, I appreciate your quick reply and great information.
Best wishes,
Nico -
11:06 AM Support #1670 (Feedback): Local Authority Districts (LAD) from SN 6666
- Hi Nico,
1) please note that it might happen that some numbers in the ranges are not in use, e.g. in the most up-t... -
10:10 AM Support #1670: Local Authority Districts (LAD) from SN 6666
- Thanks for your reply.
As a follow-up question/comment, I would like to have a list of all local authority district... -
11:13 AM Support #1669: Employment history and labour force spell
- You may also be interested in the syntax that was developed by Liam Wright to produce the complete employment history...
10:22 AM Support #1623: Gender first-born child
- Dear Support Team,
Thank you so much! This was very helpful.
04:35 PM Support #1669 (Feedback): Employment history and labour force spell
- Hello,
We do not have a separate user guide covering UKHLS employment data but I would recommend checking:
1) the... -
12:29 PM Support #1623: Gender first-born child
- Hi Lieke,
Yes, that's correct, so since BHPS sample members have been asked about their children already in the BH... -
08:41 AM Support #1667: Youth self completion longitudinal weight with non-monotone response
- Jennie,
Yes, use k_psnenui_lw weight as a base weight. You should include in your model everyone who is eligible. ...
07:44 PM Support #1669 (In Progress): Employment history and labour force spell
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:30 PM Support #1670 (In Progress): Local Authority Districts (LAD) from SN 6666
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
01:15 PM Support #1663 (Resolved): How to obtain an approximate measure for UK citizenship across Waves 1-11
01:14 PM Support #1140 (Resolved): Mistake between ba_jbstat_bh ba_jbstat in Wave 1 of BHPS
01:05 PM Support #1664 (Feedback): IEMB sample when combining data to financial years
04:54 PM Support #1670 (Resolved): Local Authority Districts (LAD) from SN 6666
- Dear Ladies and Gentleman,
I have attached a copy of the SN 6666 user guide published by Understanding Society.
I... -
04:39 PM Support #1663: How to obtain an approximate measure for UK citizenship across Waves 1-11
- Thanks for your help,
Have a nice day,
Nico -
03:09 PM Support #1667: Youth self completion longitudinal weight with non-monotone response
- Dear Jennie,
You can find the information about the course here -
01:21 PM Support #1669 (Resolved): Employment history and labour force spell
- Dear Member of the Understanding Society team,
I hope this message finds you well.
I am emailing to enquire ab...
01:16 PM Support #1667: Youth self completion longitudinal weight with non-monotone response
- Hi Olena,
Thanks for your response. I have now watched the course on creating a tailored weight and I see that it ... -
09:54 AM Support #1623: Gender first-born child
- Dear Support Team,
Thanks for your confirmation already a few months ago. I would just like to ask for some clarif... -
07:45 AM Support #1668 (In Progress): Net household income including housing benefit adjustment
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:55 PM Support #1668 (Resolved): Net household income including housing benefit adjustment
- I am trying to get a measure of net household income.
I understand that when housing benefit is implied by differ... -
01:50 PM Support #1667: Youth self completion longitudinal weight with non-monotone response
- Jennie,
The best option for you is to create a tailored weight. We have now an online course for this. Piotr shoul... -
09:41 AM Support #1667 (In Progress): Youth self completion longitudinal weight with non-monotone response
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
09:49 AM Support #1644 (Resolved): Inapplicable issue
09:48 AM Support #1630 (Resolved): Date of birth data
09:47 AM Support #1634 (Resolved): Employment Status History Wave 1 of UKHLS
09:46 AM Support #1613 (Resolved): Linking administrative health data
09:45 AM Support #1641 (Resolved): 3 critical issues regarding COVID-19 UK Household Longitudinal Dataset
09:43 AM Support #1642 (Resolved): Incomplete Merge of Longitudinal individual indresp variables (a - k; 1 - 11) and longitudinal hhresp variables - Unmatched Data both ways
05:20 PM Support #1667 (Resolved): Youth self completion longitudinal weight with non-monotone response
- Hello,
I was looking to check if I have correctly understood the weight I needed for my analysis .
My analysis... -
01:40 PM Support #1666: Clarification of weights when joining datasets and comparing COVID and main survey waves
- Hi William,
If you are analysing the main survey data separately from the Covid-19 survey data, so first generatin... -
01:31 PM Support #1664: IEMB sample when combining data to financial years
- Dorothee,
If you include all sample months 1 through 24 in your analysis you don't need to worry about samples / s... -
01:25 PM Support #1627: Coding of k_ypfhweve in k_Youth
- Hi Alexandra,
We are sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Unfortunately, we are still investigating this is...
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