



From 04/07/2021 to 05/06/2021


04:42 PM Support #1540: Variable that identifies the household member that is responsible for the paying the housing cost
> Hello
> I am trying to identify the variable that identifies the household member ...
04:38 PM Support #1540 (Feedback): Variable that identifies the household member that is responsible for the paying the housing cost
rentpN = 1 if PNO=N rents the accommodation, 0 otherwise
hsowrN = 1 of PNO=N owns the accommodation, 0 otherwise
N ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
04:28 PM Support #1540: Variable that identifies the household member that is responsible for the paying the housing cost
I am trying to identify the variable that identifies the household member that is responsible for the paying...
04:25 PM Support #1540 (Resolved): Variable that identifies the household member that is responsible for the paying the housing cost
I am trying to identify the variable that identifies the household member that is responsible for the paying...
12:45 PM Support #1539 (Feedback): Identifying indivdiual movers
We introduced the variable w_addrmov_dv a couple of years ago which should be suitable for your purposes. S...
Understanding Society User Support Team


07:29 AM Support #1533 (Resolved): Adjusting weights when constructing a calendar year from two waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
07:29 AM Support #1536 (Feedback): Happiness Questionnaire in Youth Survey
Hi Amy,
The youth survey happiness/satisfaction questions have been carried forward from the BHPS Wave 4 questionn...
Understanding Society User Support Team
06:13 AM Support #1539 (In Progress): Identifying indivdiual movers
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team


04:36 PM Support #1539 (Resolved): Identifying indivdiual movers
Dear US User Support Team,
I am working on a project on residential mobility in UK. I need to identify individuals...
Vivian So


06:30 PM Support #1538 (In Progress): Comparing health conditions across US waves 1-10
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team


02:33 PM Support #1538 (Resolved): Comparing health conditions across US waves 1-10
I am attempting track the number of health conditions participants across waves, to examine any correlation...
James Morrison
12:56 PM Support #1537 (Feedback): query re. b_wlk30min
You can check the exact wording of the question either using the variable search facility here: https://www.understan... Understanding Society User Support Team
12:55 PM Support #1536 (In Progress): Happiness Questionnaire in Youth Survey
I have passed on your question to the questionnaire team.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Suppo...
Understanding Society User Support Team


05:50 PM Support #1537 (Resolved): query re. b_wlk30min
Hi - could you please advise on the scale for b_wlk30min Number of days walked at least 30 minutes. Did respondents h... Jennifer Knights
11:43 AM Support #1536 (Resolved): Happiness Questionnaire in Youth Survey
Dear US Team,
Is there more information available how to Happiness Questionnaire in the Youth Survey (10-15 year o...
Amy Orben
07:15 AM Support #1534 (Feedback): b_scsf6c - last 4 weeks: felt downhearted and depressed
Please see response to your other post #1535
If you have further quesitons please let us know.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team
07:14 AM Support #1535 (Feedback): b_sf12mcs_dv SF-12 Mental Component Summary (PCS)
The SF12 module includes 12 questions - SCSF1 SCSF2A SCSF2B SCSF3A SCSF3B SCSF4A SCSF4B SCSF5 SCSF6A SCSF6B SCSF6C SC... Understanding Society User Support Team


11:54 AM Support #1535 (Resolved): b_sf12mcs_dv SF-12 Mental Component Summary (PCS)
Hi can you tell me which questions in wave 2 relate to b_sf12mcs_dv SF-12 Mental Component Summary (PCS) - thanks, Je... Jennifer Knights
11:52 AM Support #1534 (Resolved): b_scsf6c - last 4 weeks: felt downhearted and depressed
Hi can you tell me which questions in wave 2 relate to b_scsf6c - last 4 weeks: felt downhearted and depressed - than... Jennifer Knights


03:55 PM Support #1533: Adjusting weights when constructing a calendar year from two waves
Thank you for the explanation.
Charlotte Bermingham
03:48 PM Support #1533: Adjusting weights when constructing a calendar year from two waves
Thank you for your question. Our years within one wave are not equivalent in size - year 1 has NI and B...
Olena Kaminska


02:12 PM Support #1533 (In Progress): Adjusting weights when constructing a calendar year from two waves
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
11:03 AM Support #1533 (Resolved): Adjusting weights when constructing a calendar year from two waves
I'm combining the second half of one wave with the first half of the next wave based on sample month to create a cale... Charlotte Bermingham
01:13 PM Support #1532 (Feedback): b_scsf6c - last 4 weeks: felt downhearted and depressed
This is part of the SF12 module of 12 questions to measure mental and physical health
These questions are asked in...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:11 PM Support #1531 (Feedback): w_sf12mcs_dv - SF-12 Mental Component Summary (PCS)
These variables are derived from the SF12 questions: scsf*
The Stata syntax for deriving these variables is availa...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:08 PM Support #1530 (Feedback): Questions for assignment
The two versions summarise information collected in the 12 GHQ questions (w_scghqa - w_scghql) in two diffe...
Understanding Society User Support Team


05:56 PM Support #1532 (Resolved): b_scsf6c - last 4 weeks: felt downhearted and depressed
Hi -
Again, where is b_scsf6c - last 4 weeks: felt downhearted and depressed derived from?
Jennifer Knights
05:50 PM Support #1531 (Resolved): w_sf12mcs_dv - SF-12 Mental Component Summary (PCS)
Hi -
Could you advise on what SF-12 Mental Component Summary (PCS) is derived from? For b_scghq1_dv Subjective well...
Jennifer Knights
05:45 PM Support #1530: Questions for assignment
Sorry, could you also tell me how to identify which questions in the questionnaire link to the Subjective Wellbeing v... Jennifer Knights
05:42 PM Support #1530 (Resolved): Questions for assignment
Hi -
I am a PhD student undertaking a module in quantitative methods with University of Birmingham.
I am wanting ...
Jennifer Knights

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