From 06/09/2016 to 07/08/2016
03:06 PM Support #597 (Closed): some incorrect value lables - wave 5
- Hi!
The scwhoru* variables in wave 5 have strange value labels with @ inside, for instance:
1 @bvery important@b...
05:22 PM Support #596 (Closed): employment spells
- Hi,
I am preparing employment spells data using the Understanding Society survey. I have successfully obtained mos...
01:27 PM Support #594 (Closed): Discrepancy in 'don't know' responses to yasoc00
- Hi,
For yasoc00 (and yasoc90/yasoc10), what occupation would you like to do, there are zero 'don't know' responses...
01:08 PM Support #587: Education category "Other school cert"
- Hi Rachel,
Many thanks for your follow-up email on this:
_Thanks very much for your response. This has clarifie... -
01:00 PM Support #586 (Closed): BHPS sample members without pids in Understanding Society
12:58 PM Support #565 (Closed): Egoalt file and meaning of alwstat codes
12:57 PM Support #584 (Closed): New births in understanding society
05:19 PM Support #591 (In Progress): Downloaded waves 1-7
- Hello Gemma,
As you have mentioned 1-7 waves of data, I am guessing that you have downloaded Innovation Panel data...
01:53 PM Support #592: Sampling weights when using the Youth Survey
- Dear Tomos,
Many thanks for your enquiry. I have assigned this to my colleague Olena who will look into it and res... -
01:25 PM Support #592 (Closed): Sampling weights when using the Youth Survey
- Dear Understanding Society.
I'm having trouble working out which survey weights to use for my empirical analysis.
... -
12:23 PM Support #590 (Feedback): guests staying with the household
- Dear Sait,
No, we do not interview guests and other people who are in the household just for a short period. There... -
10:20 AM Support #587 (Feedback): Education category "Other school cert"
- Dear Rachel,
Taking a look at the questionnaire, the response option this category relates to is “Other school (in... -
10:18 AM Support #581 (Feedback): bensta_tfalimony variables
- Hi Debs,
Sorry again for the delay, we have been trying to get to the bottom of what the issue is. Jon has provide... -
09:18 AM Support #583: BHPS merging job history and interview data
- Dear Victoria,
This is clarifying. I have checked the age distribution of those not matched to job history record...
05:11 PM Support #591 (Closed): Downloaded waves 1-7
- Hello,
I'm pretty sure ive downloaded waves 1-7. However, when i open the file it doesn't seem to say which wave i...
08:03 PM Support #590 (Closed): guests staying with the household
- Hi,
I have looked into the data documentation but did not see any explanation on the following issue. Does Unders... -
03:11 PM Support #583 (Feedback): BHPS merging job history and interview data
- Dear Pilar,
We have now finished looking into this and can offer the following advice:
We think that there are tw...
04:11 PM Support #579 (Closed): attrition question
03:03 PM Support #583: BHPS merging job history and interview data
- Dear Pilar,
Apologies for the delay in getting back to you about this - we are still investigating. One question -... -
10:09 AM Support #588: Locating Data
- Dear Grace,
ONS use the standard end-user licence version of Understanding Society, so that is what you should be ac...
06:15 PM Support #588 (Closed): Locating Data
- Hi,
I have been awarded a scholarship from the University of Sheffield to do a short research project on Well-bei...
04:17 PM Support #586 (In Progress): BHPS sample members without pids in Understanding Society
- Hi Sait,
All existing BHPS members in Understanding Society will have their original PID. But new entrants who joi... -
02:16 PM Support #586 (Closed): BHPS sample members without pids in Understanding Society
- Hi,
I am working on the attrition in BHPS and UKHLS.
I realised some cases in UKHLS (around 400 in each wave) ... -
03:00 PM Support #587 (Closed): Education category "Other school cert"
- Hi
From Wave 2 variables qfhigh/nqfhigh there is an option "Other school cert". At what academic level would this ... -
09:06 AM Support #585: Identifying individuals with whom an interview could not be completed
- Dear Alita,
Thanks for your response. I understand that because of changes in household composition household ide... -
03:17 AM Support #585 (In Progress): Identifying individuals with whom an interview could not be completed
- Household Identifiers, W_HIDP are unique within a wave but not across wave. the individual identifier PIDP is unique ...
06:25 PM Support #585 (Closed): Identifying individuals with whom an interview could not be completed
- I have a question relating to respondents living in households which were contacted by an interviewer but with whom n...
03:28 PM Support #565: Egoalt file and meaning of alwstat codes
- yes.
01:59 PM Support #565: Egoalt file and meaning of alwstat codes
- Hi Alita,
Thanks for your reply. So I think that I need to use the egoalt file, because I want to consider only ch... -
01:40 PM Support #565: Egoalt file and meaning of alwstat codes
- Following up on point 4 above - As children of OSM fathers or TSM mothers are not OSMs, their newborns will not have ...
01:43 PM Support #584 (Feedback): New births in understanding society
01:32 PM Support #584: New births in understanding society
- Hi Emma,
please take a look at table 66 in the Understanding Society Quality Profile. It reports, among other stats,... -
12:09 PM Support #578 (Closed): physical activity data
12:08 PM Support #575 (Closed): Institutional accommodation definition
12:08 PM Support #574 (Closed): Labour income variables
12:08 PM Support #571 (Closed): routing for a_jbhad and b_jbbgd/b_jbbgm/b_jbbgy
11:00 AM Support #584 (Closed): New births in understanding society
- I would like to know how many new births there are for the sample, in each wave.
08:40 AM Support #581 (In Progress): bensta_tfalimony variables
- Hi Debs,
Just to let you know we are looking into this - I have passed it on to Nick and hopefully will get a resp...
04:06 PM Support #583 (In Progress): BHPS merging job history and interview data
- Dear Pilar,
Many thanks for your enquiry - we are looking into it here and will get back to you as soon as we can....
09:45 AM Support #583 (Closed): BHPS merging job history and interview data
- Reposting because I am not sure my previous post is public/can be seen
I am using the BHPS and merging job ...
02:28 PM Support #581 (Closed): bensta_tfalimony variables
- Dear Support,
We have received a query from one of our data users regarding the recording of maintenance/alimony p...
04:15 PM Support #565 (In Progress): Egoalt file and meaning of alwstat codes
01:51 PM Support #565: Egoalt file and meaning of alwstat codes
- Hi Alita,
Sorry to bother you again, but I have a follow up question relating to this thread from before:
I am ... -
03:19 PM Support #570 (Closed): Missing stable characteristics data in xwavedat
03:18 PM Support #573 (Closed): citizenship in BHPS
04:37 PM Support #579 (In Progress): attrition question
- Assuming you are Stata, some common minor mistakes that could have led to this problem:
(i) You coded the dummy var... -
03:49 PM Support #579 (Closed): attrition question
- Hi I have merged 3 variables from wave3 to wave 5 they are : c_cgwri_dv, c_cgvfc_dv, and c_cgna_dv. I want to obtain...
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