



From 06/03/2013 to 07/02/2013


05:23 PM Support #156 (Closed): Variables and weights
Redmine Admin
05:22 PM Support #161 (Closed): Leisure, Culture and Sport module variables
Redmine Admin
05:20 PM Support #167 (Closed): M2 Leisure, Culture and Sport
Redmine Admin
04:03 PM Support #167: M2 Leisure, Culture and Sport
Could it happen that you have downloaded the Innovation Panel data rather than the data from the mainstage panel?
Redmine Admin
03:17 PM Support #167 (Closed): M2 Leisure, Culture and Sport
Sorry couldnt reply to the previous query so this follows on from issue #161. Where do I find the data for the varia... clare leadbetter
10:14 AM Support #166: country of birth
The univariate tabulations in the online documentation are based on the Special License version, see e.g. https://www... Redmine Admin


10:20 AM Support #166 (Closed): country of birth
I need detailed information on parents' country of birth (or, more broadly, on their origin). From the questionnaire ... marta de philippis


04:15 PM Support #164: ethnicity
the ethnic variables in indall are part of the household grid module. As far as I understood this module is...
Giulia Montresor
12:35 PM Support #164: ethnicity
Please see #147 Redmine Admin
12:16 PM Support #164 (Closed): ethnicity
I noticed that for some observations there is a mismatch for the ethnicity variables between the files a_i...
Giulia Montresor


03:08 PM Support #153 (Closed): weighting BHPS sample correctly in longitudinal analysis
Redmine Admin
03:06 PM Support #157 (Closed): how long in the labor market
Redmine Admin
03:06 PM Support #162: How to get data?
The BHPS topic guide or thesaurus should be of use, see e.g. "job satisfaction"
Redmine Admin
03:04 PM Support #161: Leisure, Culture and Sport module variables
can be found around here
Redmine Admin
11:55 AM Support #156: Variables and weights
With regard to your question on subpopulation use in estimation of standard errors, I feel this is a quest...
Olena Kaminska
11:45 AM Support #154: '0' weight in BHPS
The reason for 0 values in cross-sectional weights is most likely due to no OSM within a household having l...
Olena Kaminska
11:27 AM Support #163: OMS movers, not resident in wave 2
Dear Jacob,
Thank you for your quick reply. I would like to address a few follow-up questions on your reply and ex...
peter tammes


04:53 PM Support #163 (In Progress): OMS movers, not resident in wave 2
The best way to analyse moves is to work with the postcode grid references, which are accessible through the secure d... Redmine Admin
04:06 PM Support #163 (Closed): OMS movers, not resident in wave 2
We are interested in OSM's who have moved or are not resident any more in the wave 1 household. In the wave 2 quest... peter tammes
04:42 PM Support #159: Father's social class
Thanks Jakob. I'm still a bit confused though. In BHPS Wave R, 230 people (1.6% of the sample) were rising 16 years o... Robert de Vries
03:43 PM Support #159: Father's social class
A bit of history ...PAJU and PASOC were asked at Wave 1 and again at Wave 8 of new entrants since Wave 1 and at Wave ... Redmine Admin
12:52 PM Support #162 (Closed): How to get data?
I am from the university trier in germany and need to do a one year
reasearch project with the topic "union ...
Lisa Reuter


02:28 PM Support #161 (Closed): Leisure, Culture and Sport module variables
Where do I find the variables for the above module (wave 2 main)? They're listed as being in b_indresp but they're no... Clare Leadbetter
12:40 PM Support #160: Mental health service use data
please see #81 Redmine Admin
12:22 PM Support #160 (Closed): Mental health service use data
I would like to know if any of the waves of Understanding Society thus far have collected data on use of NHS services... Dharmi Kapadia


04:22 PM Support #159 (Closed): Father's social class
Hi, I'm interested in including father's social class in my analysis but I've noticed that there are a large amount o... Robert de Vries


06:57 PM Support #155: Number of biological children in the household (nnatch)
Thanks for your reply.
I have done some more work on this, and read everything I could find in the docum...
Ben Wilson


01:15 PM Support #158: Derived income variables in the BHPS
pending response Redmine Admin


11:36 AM Support #156: Variables and weights
Looks like it would be useful to have a short guide to the health condition module. This might take a little...
Redmine Admin


06:07 PM Support #158 (Closed): Derived income variables in the BHPS
We've noticed some discrepancies in the construction of derived income variables. Any thoughts would be most ...
Sara Watson
05:17 PM Support #157: how long in the labor market
Please see #35 #83
Redmine Admin
05:02 PM Support #154: '0' weight in BHPS
It looks like the weights could be missing in a small proportion of cases. We would like to look into this in more de... Redmine Admin


03:39 PM Support #157 (Closed): how long in the labor market
Dear Sir,
I'm trying to find out how long the individual has been in the labor market in wave 1 dataset. I can cal...
Frank Feng
01:40 PM Support #155: Number of biological children in the household (nnatch)
#141 (note 5) is the best advice we can give at the moment. The relationship pointers mentioned can be used to distin... Redmine Admin
01:25 PM Support #155: Number of biological children in the household (nnatch)
I've spent quite a bit of time understanding the differences between the various fertility variables, so am ...
Ben Wilson


11:51 PM Support #156 (Closed): Variables and weights
I would like to ask a few questions:
- In wave 2, what is the difference between the variable b_hcondn an...
Giulia Montresor


03:16 PM Support #151 (Closed): Unweighted sample sizes among sub-groups
Redmine Admin
03:15 PM Support #153: weighting BHPS sample correctly in longitudinal analysis
Dear Robert,
If you are interested in descriptive statistics and your analysis
sample is UKHLS Wave 2 BHPS sample...
Redmine Admin


09:05 AM Support #154 (In Progress): '0' weight in BHPS
David, Would like to replicate this - please let us know the exact variable names and wave(s). Jakob Redmine Admin
08:57 AM Support #155 (In Progress): Number of biological children in the household (nnatch)
Please see #141
Redmine Admin
12:44 AM Support #155 (Closed): Number of biological children in the household (nnatch)
Hi there, apologies if this is a known issue (I did search the FAQ & all open and closed issues), but I think I have ... Ben Wilson


09:49 AM Support #150 (Closed): How to combine two waves?
The user guide has examples of some common data handling tasks.
The training course materials here may also be of in...
Redmine Admin

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