Support #787
closedHousehold head in understanding society survey
Dear forum,
I understand, BHPS, Indall module has a variable HOH - which helps identify conventional head in a household. I did not find a similar variable in Understanding Society. Does PNO=1 mean head of household?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Best, Ujjwal Kumar Das, PhD student in Economics, University of Leeds
Updated by Victoria Nolan almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to Ujjwal Kumar Das
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Dear Ujjwal,
There is no comparative variable (to HOH in BHPS) in Understanding Society. HOH was used in the BHPS because we then asked, in the household grid, for the relationship of everyone in the household to the “household reference person”. In Understanding Society we implement this relationship grid differently, so that we collect the relationship of everyone in the household to everyone else.
The Household reference person in BHPS was the person responsible for the rent/mortgage, and in the case of joint responsibility, it was the eldest of the two. So it might be possible for you to derive it for UKHLS,
Best wishes, Victoria
On behalf of the Understanding Society Data User Support Team
Updated by Gundi Knies almost 8 years ago
Dear Ujjwal,
if you are interested in the household reference person, there are two derived variables in the Understanding Society data files that report the pno and pidp of that person, respectively. See, e.g.,
Hope this helps,
Updated by Ujjwal Kumar Das almost 8 years ago
Dear Victoria and Gundi, Thanks for this information. Does this mean, I can assume household reference person (hrpno)=1 is responsible for household financial matters?
Updated by Ujjwal Kumar Das almost 8 years ago
Ujjwal Kumar Das wrote:
Dear Victoria and Gundi, Thanks for this information. Does this mean, I can assume household reference person (hrpno)=1 is responsible for household financial decisions?
Updated by Gundi Knies almost 8 years ago
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Hi Ujjwal,
we cannot provide feedback on assumptions you want to make in your analysis. Acceptability of assumptions depends on your specific project, how you argue the case and who will decide what is acceptable. We can, however, help clarify what the indicator is. The description of who is defined as the household reference person (HRP), and which variables are used in the construction of the variable, is included in the online variable description (I included links to that in my previous response). If the indicator assumes a value of 1 the person with _pno=1 in the household is the HRP; if the variable assumes a value of 12 the person with _pno=12 in the household is the HRP.
Hope this helps,
Updated by Ujjwal Kumar Das almost 8 years ago
Dear Gundi, I think I have got the information - hrpno defines which pno is the household reference.
Thanks for your support.
Updated by Victoria Nolan almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed