



Support #781


Data on couple finances

Added by Charlotte Bendall almost 8 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Questionnaire content
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Hi- apologies for bothering you, but I am currently researching couple finances and have found the variables wealthassetsanddebt_ip3.svacsj (relating to savings) and wealth assetsanddebt_ip3.nvestsj (relating to investments) on this page: Firstly, I just wanted to check that these are the only questions on the survey that dealt with jointly/ solely held assets within couples? Secondly, I looked at the results for e.g. the first variable ( although the same is also applicable for the results for the second variable, which can be found at and was wondering, what are the ‘proxy’ results (apologies if that is an ignorant question)? If I were to wish to calculate each possible arrangement (i.e. sole, joint and both) as a percentage of all of the valid responses, not including where the question was inapplicable, would I just include sole, joint, and sole and joint, or do the ‘proxies’ need to be factored in as well? Thirdly, is this the most up-to-date data that you have on sole/joint savings and investments (am I right in thinking that it dates back to 2013)? Thanks so much

Actions #1

Updated by Victoria Nolan almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Victoria Nolan to Charlotte Bendall
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50
  • Private changed from Yes to No

Dear Charlotte,

Many thanks for your enquiry.

Is there any reason you are interested in the IP data? As the same information is available in the mainstage of the survey and you would have much larger sample sizes (

The Wealth and Assets module is asked every four years (latest data is 2012/13). This is the main information on assets of the household (could be a couple but not always). We also collect every year information on jointly held incomes eg. income from rent.

Proxy interviews take place where the respondent is unable to complete the interview in person (either away or ill etc) but has allowed a “proxy” respondent to answer a short questionnaire on their behalf.

Let us know if this helps - as you are based at Essex, as are we, if you would like to discuss this further, you're welcome to drop us an email to go through this further - let me know if you would like to arrange this.

Many thanks, Victoria.

On behalf of the Understanding Society Data User Support Team

Actions #2

Updated by Victoria Nolan almost 8 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 60

Dear Charlotte,

Just checking whether there is anything more we can help you with on this? We are happy to discuss it further with you if you would like to.

Many thanks, Victoria.

Actions #3

Updated by Victoria Nolan over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

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