



Support #76


Mortgage debt on owned property/properties missing for BHPS sample of wave 2

Added by Clinton McMurray over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Redmine Admin
Data inconsistency
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I've searched for this issue in the open and completed issues and not turned anything up but if I have missed it please point me to the thread.

I have a balanced panel of sometime home owner BHPS respondents from releases k to r. A question I aim to address is the use of released housing equity when leaving ownership, as well as other questions around home ownership and housing debt . I use "_mgtot" to in various calculations. It appears the equivalent variable does not exist in the interim wave 2 release of Understanding Society (after deriving the reference person and bringing the wave 2 BHPS sample into the panel). All of the other property related variables seem to be present. Is this correct? If so, could you suggest a method of imputing this? The absence of this variable obviously makes it difficult to make these calculations in a way consistent across BHPS and Understanding Society.

In addition, could you please tell me when the wave 2 final version will be released and whether or not it will contain a derived household reference person?

I'd appreciate any direction on this.

Best wishes,
Centre for Research in Applied Economics
Curtin University

Actions #1

Updated by Redmine Admin over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

Many of the household questions are identical and we try to keep the same variable names for those. The question that come nearest to mgtot in UKHLS is hstotmg, although the latter does not explicitly account for second homes. I guess it would be possible to impute the total mortgage debt at UKHLS Wave 2 (M2) using a set of predictors from M2 and previous BHPS waves - although I would not be able to direct you to a specific method for this.
We are looking into deriving the household reference person - hopefully for the M1 re-release and the full M2 release at the end of this year.

Actions #2

Updated by Clinton McMurray over 12 years ago


Thank you for the reply. Though hstotmg in Understanding Society is not equivalent to mgtot in BHPS, it would go some way to help to deal with the BHPS sample across the two datasets in an equivalent way. Unfortunately, hstotmg exists only in wave 1 and not in the interim wave 2 release of Understanding Society and therefore cannot be applied to the BHPS sample.

Will hstotmg appear in the final release?


Actions #3

Updated by Redmine Admin over 12 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 80

To clarify: In UKHLS we only ask about the primary residence, not additional properties. We obtain the information about the total mortgage on the primary residence at Wave 1, but not at subsequent waves. At Wave 2 and all following waves information on additional mortgages the respondent may take on the property and the monthly payment question incorporates payments on all mortgages. This brings the UKHLS questionnaire concerning the primary residence in line with the BHPS questionnaire on the same subject. We have no plans to reinstate the hstotmg item.


Actions #4

Updated by Redmine Admin over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

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