Support #320
closedTracing movers
We are interested in tracing all participants that have moved house across Waves 1, 2, 3 and the upcoming 4. We have applied for secure access so we can assess this using the postcode grid references, however in the meantime we are looking for advice on:
1. For estimating movers while we wait for secure access, the only variable I can find for this is xwhist in XWAVEDAT, however this variable does not allow us to see what type of sample members (i.e. permanent, original or temporary) did the moving. Are there other variables that can be used to assess movers without secure access? Also when I do this for Waves 1-3 I get (what seem to me to be) very large numbers 560 (FNN), 2,399 (FNS), 2,177 (FSN). Could this be correct?
2. When we have secure access, is there an easy method to determine movers of different sample members (i.e. permanent, original or temporary)? Are there any resources that could help us do this?
3. Is there any difference is what is collected for different types of adult sample members (i.e. permanent, original or temporary)? IE are they all eligible for the interview and nurse health assessment if they reside in the household (for temporary) or not (for permanent and original)?
4. Are there identifiers that label a sample member as permanent, original or temporary?
Many thanks for your help,
Updated by Redmine Admin over 10 years ago
- Category set to Data analysis
- Target version set to X Ns
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
1. For estimating movers while we wait for secure access, the only variable I can find for this is xwhist in XWAVEDAT, however this variable does not allow us to see what type of sample members (i.e. permanent, original or temporary) did the moving.
Sample status (sampst) is wave-specific information that can be found on the W_INDALL file
Are there other variables that can be used to assess movers without secure access?
discussed at #257
Also when I do this for Waves 1-3 I get (what seem to me to be) very large numbers 560 (FNN), 2,399 (FNS), 2,177 (FSN). Could this be correct?
For further info about the dynamic nature ot the study, plese consult the user guide and associated design working papers. For stats on moves the BHPS bibliography could be consulted.
2. When we have secure access, is there an easy method to determine movers of different sample members (i.e. permanent, original or temporary)? Are there any resources that could help us do this?
See reply to 1
3. Is there any difference is what is collected for different types of adult sample members (i.e. permanent, original or temporary)? IE are they all eligible for the interview and nurse health assessment if they reside in the household (for temporary) or not (for permanent and original)?
Please see health assessment user guide for a full description of the selection criteria.
4. Are there identifiers that label a sample member as permanent, original or temporary?
see reply to 1
Updated by Redmine Admin over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 50 to 100