Support #229
closedSocial class for unemployed individual
I am using the BHPS and I would like to know why do unemployed individuals report a social class (e.g skilled, unskilled or managerial professions...). I looked at the previous waves to identify the 'previous social class' of those individuals but it did not match.
Thank you for your help
Best Regards
Updated by Redmine Admin about 11 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 20
Please provide more detail about the variables and waves you are using, so that we can replicate it here.
Thanks, Jakob
Updated by Ourega-Zoe Ejebu about 11 years ago
Redmine Admin wrote:
I used wave c , d and e (years 1995, 2000 and 2005) of BHPS.
My dependent variable is amount of debt owed.
The dependent variables include demographic economic variables (age, marital status, dividends, financial situation...). The model also control for unemployed individuals since some of them declare to have "gross earnings". Beside, these same individuals also have "social classes2 imputed to them (i.e. skilled,unskilled or partially skilled occupations)
I used tobit model and fixed-effets as methodologies.
Thank you.
Kins regards,
Updated by Redmine Admin about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 20 to 50
There a couple of questions about employment status, jbhas, jboff and jbsemp. Considering the responses on all three in combination should explain this.
related #206
Updated by Ourega-Zoe Ejebu about 11 years ago
Thank you for your answer. It was very useful.
Kind regards,
Updated by Redmine Admin about 11 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 50 to 100