Support #2203
openTransitions from households to institutions
Dear UKHLS User Support team,
I am investigating transitions from households to institutions among people aged 65 and over, particularly those who have moved into sheltered accommodation or institutions for social care. Individuals followed up in an institution can be identified using dweltyp (hhsamp) and dwltype (indall). How can I determine whether those who were not successfully followed up moved to an institution?
I look forward to your response, and many thanks for your help.
Best wishes,
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 2 months ago
- Category changed from Derived variables to Data documentation
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
- Private changed from Yes to No
Hello Haiyu,
You might find it useful to look at the variables clstat and clstato_code, which identify “Where is the leaver living now?”—one of the response options is “Care or nursing home.” Additionally, the variable curstat captures current resident status. I recommend checking the universe for these questions, as it will help narrow the focus of your research.
Variable clstato is available in the Special Licence 6931 at
So you may use the “Mainstage Variables search” ( to find more information.
In particular, Wave 14 of the study includes follow up questions related to individuals living in care homes, such as chmecode, chmecodefinal2, chmecodeok, chmefound2, chomeres2, and others. However, we did not receive valid responses for these items.
I hope this information is helpful.
Best wishes,
Roberto Cavazos
Understanding Society User Support Team
Updated by Haiyu Jin about 1 month ago
Understanding Society User Support Team wrote in #note-1:
Hello Haiyu,
You might find it useful to look at the variables clstat and clstato_code, which identify “Where is the leaver living now?”—one of the response options is “Care or nursing home.” Additionally, the variable curstat captures current resident status. I recommend checking the universe for these questions, as it will help narrow the focus of your research.
Variable clstato is available in the Special Licence 6931 at you may use the “Mainstage Variables search” ( to find more information.
In particular, Wave 14 of the study includes follow up questions related to individuals living in care homes, such as chmecode, chmecodefinal2, chmecodeok, chmefound2, chomeres2, and others. However, we did not receive valid responses for these items.
I hope this information is helpful.
Best wishes,
Roberto Cavazos
Understanding Society User Support Team
Dear Roberto,
Thank you so much! It is very helpful.
Best wishes,